Chapter - 43

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Amrit groaned as every muscle in her body ached. She had played the fool when she had accepted Abhay's challenge for rock climbing. The bugger had known she didn't exercise so all her muscles were practically unused. Though she had slept off in the car and he had carried her to their room and covered her with a light blanket but in the morning when she couldn't even get up from the bed he had practically rolled on the floor with laughter. She had had to throw a pillow at him not that it had helped but she had felt better when it had hit the target. He had then brought her a cup of coffee and asked her to take a hot bath to soothe down the soreness. She had reluctantly gotten off the bed and though her legs had protested she had taken that bath Abhay had suggested and it had made her feel better. Then she had gone downstairs and had breakfast.

She found an envelope on the table addressed to her. It was the letter of interview from the local college and she was thrilled. Though she had liked the little break she had taken from work she found she was getting bored too as Abhay left for work every day and with nothing much to do she had thought most of her time was being wasted. Though last four days had been busy what with Abhay getting injured and then them going to Kasauli. She thought about her trip. Slowly she was coming to believe Abhay wasn't a fake. He was trustworthy and a beautiful human being. Not even once did he make her feel awkward. And the hug he had given her on Saturday when she had tried to talk about her past she had felt his warmth long after he had released her. He was such a giving person. It was in his nature to ask for nothing in return. While she had become bitter and angry and more stubborn in her ways he had probably become quieter. How had he dealt with the pain of losing the person he had loved? She knew how. He had taken the blame, the guilt on himself. How much more selfless did one have to be? And this was when nobody acknowledged it about him. She wondered why Natasha couldn't hold on to a person like him? Though from whatever she had gathered from others it seemed Natasha was a selfish woman full of herself without a care for others but still since she didn't know her personally or hear what had happened between her and Abhay she didn't want to draw any conclusions. But she had to agree it was getting difficult.

And what about her? Her reaction to her husband was getting stronger by the passing day. She liked him more each day and she wondered if it would result in her falling for him. How would he take it if that ever happened? Would he be able to love again? She knew he had loved Natasha. Enough to marry her and be satisfied with whatever she did even if she did not reciprocate as strongly. Would he be able to let go of his old memories and build new ones with her? Or would he continue being just a great friend? When would she know she wanted him to be more than just a friend to her? She frowned. This was so not her cup of tea. These emotions, feelings left her baffled. She knew she cared for him that if something was to happen to him she would be in pain too but what did that mean? Was she only being a good wife, a good friend or something more? She bit her lower lip as she pondered over her predicament. This would lead her nowhere.

She looked at the letter in her hand. Her interview was scheduled for this Thursday at ten in the morning with the Principal and head of department. She would get the job. She knew it. At least she will have less free time and that would mean she would think less. For now she decided to let things take their own course. She wanted to be his best friend too. Maybe they should just leave it at that for now. If ever she felt she had more than just liking for him she will just let him know. If he reciprocated then fine if not then...the phone rang. She quickly came out of her thoughts as the incessant ringing kept on.

"Hello," Amrit said.

"Amrit," it was beeji on the phone.

"Hello beeji," Amrit said wondering why she had called.

"How are you doing?" beeji asked in her usual manner.

"Fine," she replied politely, "how have you been?" she asked.

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