Chapter - 70

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Abhay was silently working on his laptop but paused from time to time to look up where Amrit slept on the couch. He had returned from work just after noon and they had had lunch together with Jassi. Jassi had made food to last them at least two days. 'Home made food is better than restaurant food' she had argued and Abhay had only shook his head. Then he had seen her all the way to her car when she had abruptly turned and hugged him and before he had asked her what or why she had told him to talk Amrit and take care. He had understood what she had been referring to and that Harpreet must have spoken to her. After that she had left. Abhay had come in and given Amrit her medication after which she had fallen asleep again. He had gone upstairs and brought his laptop to work.

His mind was preoccupied. He wasn't sure if Jassi had told Amrit anything. From the looks of things it seemed she hadn't. But he needed to. He needed to trust her enough and tell her the sorry mess his life had been when he had been married. Who Kapil Raheja was? Who Natasha was? It wouldn't be easy he knew that but it was fast becoming apparent he wasn't being given a choice in the matter. And it would also make him feel better. It was getting difficult by the day to keep everything inside. She would understand. Just the way she had yesterday. When he had been feeling guilty she had understood and made him get over it in such an easy manner. Maybe talking was the key. He was still debating when he should talk to her when he saw her stir. Abhay smiled. Every time she woke up she would make these strange sounds. He had gotten used to them now. She hadn't once complained about the discomfort or pain. How had he landed up with someone as strong as her? She opened her eyes and looked directly at him.

"How are you feeling sleepyhead?" he asked lightly.

"Tired," she replied lazily as she braced herself to get up.

Abhay raised his eyebrows.

"Tired of sleeping," she said and made a face.

Abhay laughed lightly.

"It is not funny," Amrit retorted as she sat up, "I am done sleeping. I haven't slept so much since I was a baby. What kind of life is this? Absolutely dull," she said as she complained, "I don't want to sleep anymore," she told him categorically.

"Rest is what is making you get better fast," he said as he closed his laptop and put it on the table, "tea?" he asked her.

"Coffee," Amrit said.

"Sure," Abhay replied and went into the kitchen. He heard her moving around and turned to find her going slowly towards the washroom.

Soon the coffee was ready and he carried the two mugs to the living room. Amrit came back.

"Can we sit on the back porch," she asked, "I am done sitting inside," she told him.

"Sure," he said, "one second," he told her and left towards the back door.

After arranging the chairs he came back and helped her cross the distance outside. Amrit took in a deep breath of fresh evening air. It had been a hazy day today. Winters were setting in and the sun was making haste to be on his way hence the shorter days and longer nights. It was only four in the evening but it seemed it was already six or something. But she liked winters better than summers. There were no houses behind their accommodation but fields and that gave them both privacy as well as a relaxed view. Though they had neighbors but they rarely sat outside. The back porch was covered with net along the balustrade to keep insects out as they sat. After Amrit sat down Abhay went inside again and got their coffees.

As they drank Abhay stayed silent. There was so much to tell so much to talk about but he didn't know where to start. Maybe that is how she had felt too. He could sense her gaze on him every now and then. He liked this silence. He was comfortable with it, with her in it.

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