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When zainab gain consciousness she wasn't sure what to expect but Amina and Aunty hindatu where certainly the last people she expected, the reality of her daughters dead hit her and she cried, Aunty hindatu nor Amina stopped her they let her cry, she cry to the point she couldn't reason anything so she stopped Aunty hindatu started her everlasting long speech that have zainab questioning right from wrong.

"Zainab."Aunty hindatu call after talking for minutes without zainab saying a word., zainab just look up at the middle age lady aunty hindatu woukd probably senior her with maybe 9 to 10 years or more.

"You didn't say anything."Aunty hindatu say and zainab look down,by Allah there's alot she want to say but she can't just put it together or find the rightful word.

"Are you happy with how things happened now?"Aunty hindatu ask and zainab shake her head.

"But Aunty if you see the way ammar sat amd watched Raliya been beaten..........

"Zee."Amina call with a sigh.

"Just dropped all those talk,
You were wrong, you know you were so just accept the fault,
you know what?
By Allah your problem is least of my concern kamal wlh
*shi kadai nake ji wa dan ke che silan koma wani hukunchi ammar ya dauka*
How sure are you what raliya said to you was true?

"But why will she lied about this hefty accusation and the messages,
Amina i know Raliya isn't the best daughter out there bu..........

"Zainab let me ask you,
So you believe Raliya is saying the truth and Ammar is lieing?"Aunty hindatu ask and zainab shake her head.

"I don't know aunty,
Wether to believe raliya or ammar
But whatsoever why will he asked them to flogged her that way she was pregnant, even if he said it's not his why?
He's killed her for me."zainab say wiping her tears making Aunty hindatu and Amina to sigh.

Whatever happened has already happened no one can revised it,
Sadiya is dead,
this accusations,
who put he poison?
Pregnancy and so on wlh they are all useless to me,
Raliya alone knows the truth and she was buried with it, let's all just move on, zee wether ammar flogged Raliya or not wlh if Allah swt ruled her out as those who will died yesterday nothing will make her be here today,
Just the way everyone place sadiya case and everything in the hand of the creator so will you,
*Bahaka ba da wanne zakiji? Da rashin raliyan ney ko kamal da ammar yasaka ya dawo*
Don't even question ammar if you wamt peace, zainab i beg of you if we leave this hospital and go home, don't say a word, alot is going on already and as it is Ya ammar is like a ticking time bomb he's just looking for who to trigger him and wlh i don't want you to be that person,
you only know and see the man you fall in love with the last thing you want is to unravel the real him."Amina lament bitterly, she's also angry at zainab very much angry especially with kaml been dragged to this, he's a very intelligent boy he would achieved alot if he have a solid education.

"Zainab."Aunty hindatu call making her to glance at her and humm in response.

"Don't you want to be with the ammar anymore?
*Bakison Auren ney kuma* .."Aunty hindatu ask and zainab shake her head.

Ofcrse she wants to remain in her marriage, Ammar undying love is still Raw blazing in her heart.

"Toh please be patience and as of now i won't promise you any happiness and peace with Ammar because he's very very upset with you, give him time he will come around but before then you will need to be patience with him, you will apologise to him,
You are not a small girl zee you should detect right from wrong, sincerely speakinh what you did was extremely wrong,
No matter what this Ammar is your husband, you are older than him but you should know you are under him
*Aljannan ki a karkashin kafarsa yake*
Now if we leave this place we will go to Aunty kamla place, you will apologise to her and your mother inlaw to, zainab no matter what sadiya is family show your remorse ni matter what they say just apologise, we're all family now we're one,
When Ammar is ready mujahid will call me, we will go and meet him,
You will apologise to him,
Are you hearing me zainab?"Aunyu2 hindatu say and zainab nod with a sniff as she wipe her tears with the back of her hand.

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