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There's no single part of the town Ammar hasn't drive to, he search hospitals, police stations and even make some calls but to no avail, it's like she literally disappear which doesn't make any sense to him, he went to the descripted lodge where they spend the night and ask around but everyone say they didn't see anything, he feel so frustrated and blame Amina for everything, it's quater past 9pm, he haven't prayed mghrib nor isha, he knows he have to give up his search for today and head home, he's just soo glad and happy at least zinab kids are with him, wherever she is he hope she's safe and he find her soon, he spot a small mosque by the road side and decide to pray before heading home, he doesn't have any appetite he just want to see zainab and make sure she's alright.
He spend the next 20 minutes in the masjid before heading home.

"Karimah, i say don't leave this bedroom."kamal say giving his sister a daring look but the little girl goggle mischievously and run out of the bedroom making him to sigh.

He sigh and decide to pack the plates they ate dinner with, they have been indoor, even though his sister throw tantrums to go out he refused to let her, he doesn't want to deal with Amina, he just hope Ammar will find there mum and they will leave.

Karimah run down the stairs laughing as she look up making sure her brother is not coming after her and she bumped into someone making her to land on her butt.

"Sorry Aunty Amina.'she say quickly standing up as Amina just stare at the little girl.

For Amina she know there's no amount of word or anything that will make her get her husband back, she's been with Ammar for the past long years and even if they weren't so close she know very well when he set his mind on something he go for it no matter what, she won't say she's happy about him been in love with zainab but at same time she knows the sooner she get used to the fact that Ammar will one of this days be with zainab better for her.

Have you eaten?"Amina ask even though she knows they have dinner.

"Yes."karimah say as Amina grab the little girl hand.

"Have you bath?"she ask walking to the parlor as she scan the faded trouser the little girl is wearing and karimah nod.

"Cherry!"Amina call as she sit on the couch and grab karimah to sit on jer lap.

"_yes ma'am."the maid answer coming out from the kitchen.

"Check among those clothes they brought earlier for me nd find somethi comfortable for karimah to wear."Amina say and the maid nod before quickly disappearing up the stairs.

For Amina she believe the only way to win her husband back is by showing him she have nothing against zainab children after what transpire between Ammar and his mum, Amina is certain Ammar is willing to do anything for zainab, she knows if she apply soo much pressure or show soo mich objection towards his relationship with zainab she will loss him, the sound from the staircase is wht got both there attention and she look up at kamal with a heavy sigh.

"Good evening anty Amina."Kamal greet timidly as Amina stare at him for a while, he's wearing A faded brown kaftan trouser that was sew carelessly and a blue shirt that looks really rumple.

"Anty i didn't find any except this one and it's like it will be undersize for her."The maid say snapping Amina oit of her daydream as she tear her gaze back to the clothe.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now