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Zainab stare at ammar, there eyes locked together for good 5minutes before she turn her gaze back to her daughter.

"Let's go."zainab say dragging karimah with her into the rain as the little girl protest, as if that isn't enough nature don't care because the rain cane down heavily and with no choice zainab have to find another shade to wait which is unfirt 3blocks away from ammar.

He didn't move, he just stand rooted watching as zainab and her daughter walk down the street, they sprint to the nearby shade few blocks from him and he takes a deep breathe to calm his wrecking nerves, one mind is telling him to go while the other is telling him not to go.

*if by any chance you ever speak or even try to speak with that lady Allah ya isa* his mum words echo in his ears and he sigh.

He enter the car and come down, he try entering again but it's like a magnetic force is drawing him towards where zainab went.

"I hate me."he say kicking and hitting the car out of frustration.

He sigh and stare at the empty road, the rain heavily pouring down with no sign of stopping anytime soon, he ignore the voices whispering inside him to let go and run down the street to meet zainab.

"What exactly is this hilda girl cooking for more than 80hrs, 1hr in the kitchn and I'm thinking of passing out."Asma,u say as she cross over to the 3sitter couch in the parlor and pick her veil.

"I think that's pretty impressive but i cannot, maybe eating for 88hrs straight that I'm confident i can do."Rashidah say making the three girls to chuckle.

"Now all these memes people will not let us rest, especially we the single ladies,."zakiyya add dropping her phone with a hiss and stand up.

"I thought ya Ammar say he's already in the estate what's taking him long?"asma,u ask glancing at amina who's just sitting clad impeccably on the white and blue ankara.

"I don't know why he's taking long,maybe we should go, it's getting late and mum won't stop calling."Amina say with a sigh, she stand and walk to the large mirror by the Treadmill and look at her reflection.

Satisfy by how she look she turn to her cousins who are taking pictures making her to roll her eyes.

"Let's go abeg," Amina say and head for the door, with her cousins trailing behind her.

"Bala!"Amina call inspecting the blue hyundai as the man run to meet her.

"Bring the white ford, i don't like this car how many times do i have to say that?"she say and the man nod.

"Yi hakuri hajiya."he say and climb the car making her to sigh.

She wonder what's holding ammar, he's not evem picking her calls, she stare at the heavy rainfall and look up at the still angry cloud a sign this rain is not stopping anytime soon and sigh.

"The one and only Mrs ammar."her cousin flatter making her to turn her gaze to them, flashing them a bashful smile as they video her.

The car was drive to the porch and zakiyya enter the front passenger.
Amina,Asma'u and rashida in the back as they talk about nothing and everything.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora