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Standing outside the theatre room with the satchel on her hand Zainab look around the quiet hospital, there seems to be less patient today which makes everywhere quiet, kamal is taken to the theatre to remove the cast the doctor let her know it's just a small procedure that won't take much of there time.

"Zainab."Ammar call walking to where she's standing, Zainab didn't move because she knows there's no point in doing so.
She hate how all this is turning into a very complicated mess, she is the one that walk into Amina's life and destroy her marriage, even tho ammar told her the marriage wasn't always perfect but yet she feel responsible, how can she even look Amina in the eye and decide to be with her husband after all she's done for her and her children.

For Ammar he won't give up this easily, Zainab just walk into his life with her cupid sword directly into his heart, alot of people will criticize about this but he doesn't care, he just want to be with Zainab.

"What's the point of all this?
We are adult Zainab,
I understand you have kids and a daughter old enough to be my wife but how does that have to do with the way we feel toward each other?
how is age related to all of this, love knows no boundaries, Age is just a number, a digit Zainab, you are driving me crazy."he say tiredly throwing his hands up in frustration, Zainab just shake her head, she want to say alot of things but words seems so difficult to leave her mouth.

"Yes you were friend with my wife but......

"Ammar just don't bring this up,
I've make my decision, i don't feel anything for you, love is not by force."Zainab snap making him to slightly scratch the back of his ear a habit he does whenever someone say something he's not in favor of.

"Swear."Ammar say and Zainab look up at him in disbelief before shaking her head.

"I'm not ready for this childish attitude of yours."she say and walk away, Ammar just watch until she disappear to a secluded site of the hospital and sigh.

What does age has to do with love?
He Pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh at same time blow some air out of his mouth at once before walking back to the consulting room.

Sitted in the office as he
Reminisce about his conversation with Zainab earlier he sigh, if he can't convince Zainab to be with him he can't approach his family with the issue of second wife, amina will easily manipulate Zainab not to agree to anything, this is just too much for me, he sigh and
look up at the door as the familiar man walk in.

"I'm so tired today."he say and sit tiredly on the chair as Ammar just stare at him.

"Ya what's up with you?"he ask and Ammar sigh.

Adil is my cousin, we grow up together, this hospital and anyone that work in it majority are family members or friends, it's a family business thing.

"I want to take a second wife.'i say and he shrug.

"OK."he say making me to furrow my brow.

"What do you mean by OK?"Ammar say and adil chuckle.

"Ammar everyone knows you and amina have been trying to make this thing call marriage work,
Do as you pleased but remember
"Do not bring shame to our family reputation"he say mimicking there grandfather voice making Ammar to chuckle, it's a family slogan thing they've been hearing since childhood.

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