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Staring at zainab who's laying on the bed ammar glance at the wall clock, immediately after the nikah he went straight to his grandparents house, he was there until evening time, he wanted to go visit amina before he head to zainab's but kamal called that zainab wasn't feeling to well so he head straight home to see her, it was serious migraine headache which is probably from the stress she'd been going through lately, he grab his car key from the bedside and zainab eyes snap open making him to smile.

"How are you feeling?"he ask and she shake her head

"Better , but not good,
Where are you going to?"zainab ask looking at the car keys in his hand.

"I'm going to Amina's I'd promised her i would stop by after the nikah but i wasn't privileged to do so."Ammar explain and zainab knitted her brow sitting upright and turn on the bedside lamp.


Zainab glance at the wall clock  and turn back to ammar.

"Its 1am,
Leave it tomorrow you can go early in the morning."zainab say and ammar take a deep breathe.

He doesn want amina to feel as though he doesn care especially after he'd promise he would show up but didn't, the last thing he want is amina to start feeling ignored or unwanted.

"Tomorrow after subhi you can go but this night gaskiya i won't accept it, going out at this odd hour can be perilous."zainab say staring at ammar a yawn escape her mouth.

"Toh as you wishe ammar bride, you know what dey say
*Amarya ba kya laifi, kuma umarninki ba'a bijirewa*
He say earning a smile from zainab that gat him grinning like a teenager.

"It still feel so unreal."zainab say truthfully in all honesty it still feel like a dream that she's married to ammar, sure whatever it's destined to be shall come to pass regardless the ups and down, her main problem now is how to get ammar family to like her and Amina, wlh she hate how things are between them she hope ome of these days amina will find it in her and let go the past.

"I'm so exhausted, since i was just sitting down and admiring The God gift to me."ammar say and zainab shake her head with a chuckle.

"Maybe we should just go back to bed,
My head still hurt tho not like before."zainab say emphasizing on the last sentence making ammar to raise a brow at her.

He wouldn't dare to touch zainab without her permission, he just want to sleep next to her and cuddle her nothing more, sex is the last thing on his mind not with this pressure amd tension still around.

"Ammar."zainab call once he climb the bed, he have his hand entwined with hers his eyes are close but he's not sleeping so he humm in response.

"I just want to say thank you,
For everything, especially you doing this without your family permission, i feel really guilty at times."zainab say taking a deep relaxing breathe.

"Everything will be fine eventually, one step at a time."_ammar say brushing his thumb on her wrist.

The couple talk for a while and it's until zainab talk but didn't get a reply before she glance at ammar who's deep asleep.


Sitted in the parlor with my legs cross i sip on the tea as i glance at the wall clock shaking my head 9am, I'm certainly not needed in this stupid marriage I'd rather leave how can i tolerate this nonsense for a month, if he doesn't need me what's the point of pretending to care when he doesn't i drop the mug on the table and stand up.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now