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"Is this how you will continue staying in this house Amina?
You aren't enjoying this marriage,
You and Ammar are not trying to mend the marriage,
You are not pregnant,
You are just sitting here taking care of children that aren't yours,
How those any of this make any sense to you,
"Kin zauna kinata bautan yara"
Be in love but don't be stupid in love."the elderly lady say and Amina sigh.

"What do you want me to do aunty salaha?
Ammar like this children and.....
There mum is yet to be found they don't have anyone, moreover if i sent them out ammar will be upset,
It's not as if I'm happy about them staying here,
I don't know what to do aunty salaha."Amina say tiredly.

"You don't know what to do?
Amina how old are you?
How many years have hou been married?
All the people that got married same  time with you have children, some 2 others 3 while some are pregnant,
You on the other hand is taking care of children that aren't related to you,
The children of the lady that want to snatch your husband from you,
How those this make any sense to you amina,
You will be behaving as if you didn't go to school, even an illiterate wife can do better."The elderly lady scold and Amina sigh with a frown.

"Aunty if ammar find zainab she will leave with her children, i don't want to do anything that will make him angry."Amina say and her anty shakeher head pathetically.

"Ammar that is searching for that lady like a maniac,
The whole town is talking about it and you are here wishing he will find her,
Because the ammar tell you if he find zainab he will send her away, once you allow zainab into this house just know she will officially be your rival,
You should better pray that wherever she is God should continue hiding her there."Anty salaha add as a small foot run down the stairs gaining both there attention.

"Aunty Amina the......the little girl keep quiet and head back upstairs making amina to sigh.

"Amina do something about your home,
Look at this girl for goodness sake,
Who will come to this house and not think she's not the daughter of the house, you are alive and healthy yet you let another woman children to come take over your house,
"Ke baki haifi na ki ba kin zauna kina raino"
What kind of a girl are you?"Aunty salaha say upset and  amina sigh already tired of her aunty nagging.

"Aunty salaha me i just don't want problem, the last time i try talking to ammar about this children he get upset to the point that he stop sleeping in our bedroom and move on sleeping with xainab children in the guest bedroom, the only thing that seems to bring me close to him is by been nice to this children, or did you think i enjoy doing all this?
No Aunty salaha,
my junior ones are married with kids already am here still trying to figure out how my marriage will work,
What should i do?
Ammar just seems to be obsessed with this woman, sometimes he even call her name while sleeping,
Nobody should add pressure on me on top the one I'm going through."Amina say upset abd her aunt just give her a pitiful look.

"So Amina all this have been going on and you refused to tell any one?
How are we going to help you if you didn't tell us what you are going through.
It's enough, stop crying."Aunty salaha say hugging her as Amina cry, all the emotions the frustration she's been keeping exploding and she find herself wailing in agony.

Amina blamed herself for been so nice to people, if only she always learn to mind her business and stay out of people life none of this would have happened to her, Now a simple act of kindness she those turn out to have a far consequences she can imgine, zainab betrayed her or so she thought, Amina is running out of patience all she need is for someone to trigger the flaming wrath inside of her, salaha just did that unwillingly and as they say where Love go together with jealousy, trouble is sure lurking around.

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