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6days later

I try as much as i can to maintain my boundaries, ever since the conversation that day with Ammar I'm glad he didn't approach me or say anything to me,
For the past two days I've been in this house Amina has been nothing but nice to me and if I will look into what she always say about her marriage i believe she's the root of her own problem,
It's ok to have a maid but it's never wise and ok to leave everything to them, I know it's my job but at thesame time i want Amina to understand marriage life comes with responsibilities, I want to speak to her but Amina seems to be always busy either with her phone or doing something on her laptop,

Today as usual we finish the lunch as early as 12pm, I did notice that ammar always comes home for lunch at exactly 1pm for the past 5days I've been here.

"Amina."I call gaining her attention and she look up from her phone screen.

"We are done with the food."I say and she nod glancing at her phone screen

You can leave if ammar is back i will call you to come serve him."she say and i nod deliberately.

"Amina i was thinking if we don't mind we should talk for some minute?"I ask and she look up at me for a while then shrug.

Hope it's nothing serious?"she ask and i shake my head as she gesture for me to sit on the couch facing hers.

"I don't mean to meddle into your marriage life."i say once i sit down and she nod dropping her phone on the couch next to her.

"I know I'm your maid now and that you are my boss but we've been friends before now,
Amina you are not taking your responsibility as a wife,
The maids do everything here,
They cooked, they served your own husband, they arranged your bedroom and even do your laundry,
Men like to be taken care of,
A helping hand is good but don't let your responsibilities to be taken away from you,
The maids can cook but you should serve your husband,
Your matrimonial bedroom i don't think it's wise for the maids to even go in there, let alone arrange your own bed that you sleep with your husband,
Please don't take what i say to heart i just want you to...........

"Zainab it's fine,
Nobody has ever correct me or tell me what I'm doing is wrong,
I know ammar and i dont have the best relationship but,
Maybe you are right, had it been i have been taking my responsibilities maybe by now we would have been very close,
Thank you."she say with a smile as the parlour door open.

"Ya Aminah."the familiar boy call entering the parlour with two teenage  girls probably around his age.

"Ahh al-amin, sadiqah and esha,
So you three are alive."Amina say as the three teenagers walk to where we are sitting and i quickly stand up.

"Amina please get them some glass of juice."she say and the boy look up at me curiously probably trying to remember where he saw me and i turn to leave.

"You are that lady?"he say and i can see how Amina look at him confuse.

"Which lady?
This is Zainab my new maid."Aminah say and the boy shake his head in disbelief.

"Remember few months ago when ya grounded me from driving and my allowance because i hit one boy?"he say and amina nod.

"She's his mum,
How is he doing?"he ask and i nod.

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