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1 trip which eventually turns to 3 and suddenly become a regular visit to the ghetto part of the state has become ammar daily schedule all in the name of love, he'd know that the tunnel of lies and deception he'd been digging and feeding his wife will eventually explode with him but until then he'd rather enjoy and live in the moment, Happy is the exact word has been Amina mood, this accident seems to have bring the 2 close, ammar seems always happy and she know she'd already secured her happily ever after or so she thought, As usual ammar is  preparing to leave for kangiwa for the nonexistence outreach he'd already brainwashed his wife with.

"When will this outreach be done, you said a month it's been 6weeks now."Amina say as she put on the socks on Ammar leg.

"Ehmmm, you know how this things are it's been prolong to a month."he say flashing her a lopsided deceitful smile.

"Oh okay,
I was thinking we'd go out this weekend for samira's shopping."she say looking up at him and he look down at her.

"Uhmmm i will try, even if it's night shopping."he say,amina nod and stood up.

"I want to go and visit Asma,u i haven't go to her house since the wedding."

"Okay my regards to her and do you want anything?
Mustapha will take.......

"No i will drive myself I'm not sure if i will be back early."she say handing him the navy blue hoodie.

"Ok, becareful i don't like it when you drive yourself, i will be back early so we'd go the shoping."he say glancing at her.

Amina just stare with a smile dancing on her lips, once he's done putting on the hoodie he grab his phone, backpack and the lunch pack she'd prepared for him, she wait until he leave the parlor before she head back to the kitchen making a mental note to visit the orphanage downtown to distribute the clothes she'd screen from her shop.

"Is that all?"Ammar ask rummaging through the clothes.

"The remaining will arrive today,
Are you sure about this ammar?"Kabir ask zipping the suitcase close.

"I have never been so sure in my life,
Are you still leaving today?"Ammar ask removing his phone from his pocket.

but my flight is in the evening,
Ohh here is the phone."kabir say handing the white nylon to ammar who mutter a thank you.

"I've spoke with kadeer he said kamal can start coming and whenever his waec result is ready then he can bring it,
Put your seatbelt please.'he say starting the ignition as ammar strap the belt.

"when do you say you are coming back?"he ask scrolling through his phone.

"Tomorrow morning insha Allah,
I just want to be there as the containers arrived i wasn't satisfied by how Abdul handled things last 2weeks, i will be on time don't worry hamdiya will make sure everything is place in order in the house."Kabir reassure and the drive turn quiet.

Zainab suffered a chronic typhoid and malaria the first day ammar saw her he'd almost cry, she wasn't properly taken Care of, he wanted moving her to a better health facility but he was scared his parent may find out so he just make sure she has all the necessary treatment there in the hospital, after about 2weeks she was okay and he couldn't be more happier, zainab was suprise to see ammar on the wheelchair, she never asked what happened and how because wheelchair or crutches he's still same man in her eyes but nonetheless ammar still told her what happened, she couldn't send him away, she wanted to so badly not because of his condition but she was afraid of Amina, his family and her worst fear *society* but this time zainab couldn't find that courage inside her, it's like there's a magnetic force that keeps pushing her insecurities aside, she couldn't find that courage to send him away as she usually does, she just can't, love and empathy are a strong combination for her to burry those heavy emotions she'd been hovering inside her, so she refused to stop herself, she open up to ammar and let herself experience that feeling, that emotions, excitement,joy of been loved and taken care of, the feeling where someone puts your priorities before there's, she let her guards down and embark on that thrilling, butterflies adventure that come with the baggage of romance with ammar and now she couldn't have wishe for anything better, this feeling inside her she know its unquenchable and she'd everything to secure it, she want to continue having this feeling until her last breathe, so when ammar offered her a better place to stay she didn't denied, she's tired of trying to survive on her own and always failing, perhaps that help she's asking from God could be ammar, if not why will the almighty keep making there path crossed, this time zainab doesn't want to habor that negative thought inside of her, for once she want to be selfish, to put her own need before everyone else so she could also experience some happiness even tho is for some couple of time, because deep inside her she knows the dusty wind of lies and deception that ammar keeps blowing his wife, soon it will send down the rain of disaster and catastrophe that will build up a storm of regret and pain, but until then she will give herself a chance to be loved.

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