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"Ummah I'm hungry."the little girl say tiredly and her mum mum say tiredly as she arrange the small shaft firewoods.

"Karimah i know,
You know how it is whenever rain is falling, it's hard to find firewood,
Kamal will come soon."Zainab say with a sigh as she pick the firewood pieces wondering why her son is taking long.

"Mamah."kamal call entering the kitchen his clothes soak because of the rain.

Zainab quickly stand up and help him drop the firewood,

"Sorry kamal,
Take this 100naira hurry up,
Go buy garri 50 and sugar 50naira so karimah can drink before the food is ready."she say as she untie the edge of her wrapper and remove the 100 naira.

"Hury up so you can change this cloth before you get sick."she say and Kamal quickly leave the kitchen.

Zainab sigh and kneel by the stone as she arrange the firewood, she put the droplet of the kerosene and light up the matches before putting some nylon and rubber, she glance at the leaking kitchen roof with a sigh.

"Karimah grab that bucket and put it where that roof is leaking."she say as she stand up.

Zainab sigh and sit down on the wooden chair, she grab the pot and put it on the fire, she's going to cook some yam porridge it's the last food stuff they are having, she's exhausted and tired of everything going on in her life, surely they say after patience comes ease but when will that ease come to her?
Her husband certainly doesn't even care about her well being nor the children's, she wish she can leave this marriage but obviously she can't,
She doesn't even know anyone and she can't leave her children either knowing very well her husband will not let her go wherever she's going with them.

"Ke Zainaba!"his roaring voice echo despite the heavy rain as he burst through the kitchen door.

"Welcome Mallam."she greet as she washes the yam and put them inside the pot on the fire.

"What is this nonsense, how is the lunch not ready by this time?
What where you doing since morning?"he say angrily kicking the pot that's on the fire making Zainab to sigh.

This isn't the first time her husband will come back home angry and vent it on her, there are days where he even beat her, it's something she's used to as time passes.

"I'm sorry Mallam,
The food will be done soon,
You know how things are when it's raining."she say grabbing the pot from the partly wet floor.

"Don't tell me sorry,
Are you the only housewife in this area?
Why is it always different with you?"he say coming close to her and Zainab already knows where and what this movement is heading to.

"Jabiru please don't raise your hand on me,
Karimah is here."Zainab say as do that will stop him since it's not the first time he beat her in the presence of the children.

"And so what?
You don't treat me with respect and you expect me not to put you right where you belong,
What have you done since this marriage?"he say randomly as he instantly reach to beat her but Zainab step back and quickly run out of the kitchen into the rain.

"Come back here."jabir yell rushing after her not paying attention to the slippery clay floor he slip and instantly fall.

Zainab who's cluelessly running towards the house exit collide into her son.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن