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"How's she?"zainab ask and ammar nod staring at her.
clothes are soaked from the rain and she wrapped her hands around her body, the AC in the reception doesn't help.

"You should change into something zee you are going to get sick."Ammar say worriedly staring at xainab.

"When can we leave?"zainab ask uninterested , if only she had a choice when karimah was unwell she'd never come with ammar to the hospital, she doesn't want problem, she's had enough her all life and now she just want to take care of her children.

Ammar sigh and glance around the empty hospital reception, he left kamal with karimah in the hospital room she was moved to, he'd already tell the boy to change the wet clothes, even himself he's already shower anx changed in his office he'd apply some ointment on his body hopefully that help his skin from the rain allergy the last thing he wants now is to deal with a skin problem amidst all this, he's had his hand full with shit.


What do you want from me ammar,
The whole ladies in this city why me?
I know you are a good man, you've done alot for me and my kids but.
Why can't you understand?
You have a wife,
She's pregnant, i wouldn't want anyone to do to me what you want me to do to amina.
Sometimes somethings cannot just work,
Do you want me to tell you what she has done to me,
Amina gave me hope when i had none,
She was there to lift me up when i couldn't stand,
When fall again she was the only hand tharmt reached to picked me up,
Whenever i feel like giving up she was there, she has always been there me, she was that family i never had and you want me to do this to her,
I can't, i can't ammar."zainab say with a sniff and wipe her tears.

" i don't know what it is like to be loved but you've showed me what it is like to care for someone,
I wished this.......i wished you were someone else i wouldn't mind what people will say or the fingers society will point at me, but you are ammar, Amina's husband and as bad as i want to cherish or.......i like what I'm feeling for you but i just can't, there are other priorities stronger than love and unfortunately Amina is that priority, we might not be  friends any longer but, still i just can't ammar."Zainab say now staring at him.

The sincerity in her voice amamr is certain the decision zainab has taken is final, perhaps he can convince her but he's beem trying to do that for since they met, he tear his gaze away from her and take a dee breathe.

"Can you change so you won't get sick?"he demand and zainab hum in response.

There's no amount of words or speech zainab will give to him that will make him stop loving her.

He stand up and the two begin walking to his office, zainab halt by the door and ammar turn from where he's opening a drawer in his desk.

"Go inside there, your suitcase is there."he say pointing the door to the resting bedroom.

"I will just pick this and leave."he say raising a folder he removed from the drawer and push it close.

He exit the office and zainab enter, she shut the door and put the lock before entering the room, which is moderately furnished, a king size bed a wardrobe and a small working table then the bathroom, she spot her suitcase by the wardrobe and decide to do the needfull, she's soo cold her bone is freezing she deliberate on taking a shower or not as she zip the suitcase to find something suitable to wear.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now