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Me trying to avoid Zainab doesn't mean it will erased whatever feelings i have for her, in my entire life i have never experienced that love thing, whenever people often speak about feelings, how they do have sleepless night and couldn't stop thinking about that one person i always thought they are exaggerating, how one person will be your priority, how the person needs is what matters to you, I have never experienced something like this until i met Zainab, I choose to ignore Zainab because I want to know if she actually mean everything she say or perhaps she also feel same way, I don't want to give myself that too much hope that Zainab did love me to, but sometimes i feel as do she's trying to suppress whatever feeling she have for me to pleased Amina, it may seems right to Amina but if Zainab really do love me I would never let her make such sacrifice for friendship, love happens and unfortunately Amina will have to be the victim, this morning i purposely went to the kitchen to see if she will speak to me and suprisely she does, she was nervous and at same time doesn't really look happy, I feel guilty but at same time happy.

"Ammar are you coming for the family dinner today?"Amina ask and i look up from my phone screen.

I have things to do."I say turning my gaze back to what I'm doing, Amina and i relationship is a none existing one, she trying to put this much effort won't still change anything we've both try to make this marriage work for years and nothing Seems to work, I don't want to go to the family dinner because I'm sure amina will bring up Zainab topic which is something I'm not looking forward to face my family with such conversation now.

"Ammar."amina call and sit next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Ammar what is it that you don't like about me?
What is it that makes you hate me this much?
Why can't ...........

"Amina i don't hate you,
We've been together for 5years now,
We have try to make this relationship work, you've tried ,
I have tried but it's not working, we are just not compatible,
You are a working class, well mannered and everything a man would want but I don't know what is it that is missing, I have tried Amina."I say and look up at her.

"Then why Zainab?
Of all people Ammar,
Zainab fisabillilallah she's even older than you."she say and i look up at her.

Does that even matter's Amina?
Why is it that there is nothing wrong if a lady married an elderly man but if it's reverse is the case society nag, I don't care amina,
Your opinion, the society or anyone else cannot do anything about how i feel towards Zainab,
Please don't spoil my morning."I say and come down from the bed.

"Breakfast is ready."she say and i humm in response.

I grab my phone from the bed and exit the bedroom not wanting to start a quarrel with Amina.


Quietly arranging the breakfast on the dinning table my mind keeps thinking about this morning incident with Ammar, it hurt me it really does that sentence

I shouldn't be going after a lady 6years older than me"
It's stuck in my head, what was i even thinking ?
I try not to think about him and everything but it's difficult not to, the sound from the staircase makes me peek from the dinning table and it's him, suddenly my heart start to beat rapidly, I hate all this jittery feelings whenever i see him, it's annoying how my body cannot respect the fact that I'm older than him, he walk to the dinning table and sit on his usual spot as i continue arranging everything, my hands trembling so badly do to how nervous i am.

I quickly head back to the kitchen and grab the glass of banana smoothie Amina always drink every morning, I grab the plate and some few cutleries and exit the kitchen.

"Good morning."I greet Amina and she didn't answer as usual, I drop the banana smoothie and gently place the plate with the cutleries.

"That's all."I say and turn to leave but Amina call me back.

"Dish the food."she say grabbing the glass of her smoothie not even sparing me a glance sometimes I find it rather difficult and hard to believe that it's same amina i Called my friend.

I grab the plate and open the steaming warmer of pasta, I dish the food into the plate and in the process of dropping it somehow it slip off my hand and fall on the table.

"Are you blind?"Amina say and i look at ammar who just fold his hand to his chest watching, I was hoping he do defend me but he didn't say a word he just stare.

"Sorry."I say and she hiss.

I quietly dish another food and drop it in front of ammar before dishing a small content for amina, I head back to the kitchen and grab the towel before heading back to the dinning table.

"Amina please I'm taking kamal to the hospital today."I say and amina look up at me.

"Okay."it's her only reply so I sigh.

Omce I finish cleaning the table i leave the house in general with kamal food in the warmer.

"Kamal you haven't bath?" I say opening the bedroom and he sit upright.

"I'm hungry that's why."he say and i hand him the food.

I decide to bath and get ready for the hospital, today they will remove kamal cast i will also stop by and check on karimah to see how she's doing, I enter the bathroom with alot of thoughts in my head.

It was never his intention to come to the hospital today but all plans changed when Zainab mentioned she's taking kamal to the hospital, ammar decide he will just confront Zainab about his feelings he's not very sure if he can continue watching her going through all this.

"You are going to the hospital because Zainab mentioned she's taking her son?"Amina say staring at her husband who's getting dress.

"Amina let's get something straight here, I like Zainab, alot I told you this time without number, the easier you get used to to the fact that one of this days i will marry her the better for you."he say and grab the med book he was reading earlier and his phone before leaving the bedroom.

"Kamal hurry up."Zainab say helping the boy as they exit the gate.

"Ummah why won't you just bring karimah here?"kamal ask and his mum sigh.

"Kamal we just got here and you see how things are with amina now,
I dont want to complicate things, if I receive three months salary we will leave and figure out a way to start something."Zainab say as the walk to the estate gate.

"Ummah but do you really like Dr?"kamal ask and his mum glance at him but didn't say a word.

"Dr is a nice man tho,
But you have to think of all the times aunty amina helped us,
Ummah you know what's best for yourself tho."kamal say as the familiar car honk at them.

"Zainab."ammar call driving slowly as kamal slightly wave at him making him to smile.

"Zainab."Ammar call again and Zainab look up at him.

"Let me drop you off at the hospital."he offer and Zainab shake her head at him, she spot the familiar green taxi coming toward the exit and she quickly stop it.

Ammar watch as she help kamal climb the car before she also climb, the car start driving and ammar sigh, he decide to reach the hospital before them, today he will need to hear Zainab make her own decision, he will let her know how he really feel and let her under the fact that it's okay to be selfish at times.

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