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Morning has always been lively in Ammar household but today just seem different, the two women just casually do there chores around the kitchen just exchanging the necessary words,
By Allah zainab care about her daughter, Raliya was her first child and there's no better love than that shared with a first child there's always this joy of appreciation for a single soul that made you a parent, she still care but there's just a strong insecurities around Raliya, mistrust and deceit, she doesn't want to give her that chance in her life especially not now, her life have started getting better.

"Good morning ummah."Raliyq greet entering the kitchen and zainab just glance at the girl without a word and go back to peeling irish potatoes.

"Good morning Aunty Amina."she greet earning a smile from Amina.

"Raliya how was your night?
Hope you enjoyed it?"Amina ask glancing at her, she's shock raliya look wayward and all but she called her aunty that's really unbelievable.

The place become quiet, Raliya staring at her mum, she looks different, beautiful and even younger, who says money isn't everything sure doesn't know what they re saying.

"Nikam ummah where's karimah?"Raliya ask she's been wondering since yesterday night.

"In her grave."zainab say flatly not really in the mood to speak and this particular question just ruined her mood the more.

"Karimah is dead?"Raliya say looking at her mum impossible.

Raliya look away she sit on one of the stool fidgeting her fingers, by Allah she's in shock, some tears roll down her eyes after realizing there isn't any memory of she and karimah, she try but there's none, empty memories no recollection of what karimah even look like and that just literally makes her breakdown the more, her head place on the kitchen island that instant wlh Raliya wished she has done things differently in her life.

"Its ok Raliya."Amina say gently pathing her on the shoulder in a consoling gesture.

After a while raliya stop crying she look up at her mum who seems unfazed by her little emotions.

"I thought you said you're leaving this morning?
its past 9am, go and get your things raliya,
*ki koma Chan inda kika fito*
Don't come and create problems for me here."Zainab say even though her heart ache as she say those words but she can't let raliya stay here, she's certain her husband won't even allow that.

"Ummah i don't have anywhere to go wlh it took me 4-5 days find were you are, even when i went to uncle dauda place they sent me out, wlh I'm tired i don't want to continue living on the street."

"Shut up your mouth,
Go and pack your things and leave this house this instant if not wlh Raliya........ ..

"Haba zainab,
Haba, since this girl came you're just bitter, let her stay, she's your daughter for goodness sake, she made mistakes we all do but when we realized it and want to make things better we shouldn't be denied that opportunity,
*ki kyaleta dan Allah*
Where do you want her to go to, are you not the only familya she have."Amina lament and zainab shake her head.

"You don't know raliya,
Anywhere she is there's no peace,
Had it been i was still in the house her dad left me would she stay?
She wouldn't, the raliya i know wouldn't, she's only here because she sees me living in a place she'd never expect, stop shedding those stupid crocodile tears, wlh you must leave this house,
You came to divide this family i know raliya and i know exactly what yo..........

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