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"Aunty hindatu you know me, you didn't give birth to me but you know the type of person i am why on earth will i poison the...........

"Then why are you sending her messages!
Why!"Amina yell making ammar to sigh.

The family meeting was cancel for the day, there's just alot going on and Alhaji babba dismissed everyone for him to discuss with he elders in the family, it's been a tremendous 2hours Amina and ammar has been going on and on about the accusation raliya said about him.

"Amina can you listen to him?
What's wrong with you?
How many years have you been with Ammar?
Going to 8years right?
For the past 7years has ever looked another lady way?
No he did not, when he saw zaimab he made his intention clear and he marry her, why will you not believe believe him, you should know that if you didn't trust and believe your husband now when he need you the most then you don't deserve him,
He said it's a lie so why won't you believe him?"Aunty hindatu say and amina wipe her tears with the back of her hand.

"Even if i believe him aunty what benefit will i gain?
I'm tired of this marriage, I'm so so tired since i got married to him what have i gained?
He's sitting here aunty hindatu asked him what benefit have i gained?
Was it before he married zainab?
He was married to his work,
When he met zainab she was everything to him, even when she went missing her children where more important to him than the child i was carrying, when he successfully married her i was just amina to him,
He doesn't need me nor does he love?
I doubt he have any feelings for me."Amina say making Aunty hindatu to sigh.

"Ammar love you amina,
I just want you to exercise some patience please because of me,
Haba Amina we're all bound to make mistakes, you are pregnant stop putting yourself under stress you heard what Adil said, i just want you to agreed with whatever your husband said."Aunty hindatu say glancing at ammar who's looking at amina.

"Always i have to be the one to make sacrifices aunty,
Not for once has he put my feelings before his but me i always put his first, but why will raliya lied about him in the first place?"Amina say and ammar sigh.

Wlh i haven't seen that phone since the day sadiya died asked mujahid he's sitting next to you i was complaining to him about it,how it got into your house i don't know and all those messages i swear by Allah wlh i didn't send them,
why would i want to kill you?
Amina you know all this is a lie, do you know how many times that girl came to my office or barge into my room when you aren't around, not for once have i give face to her, i didn't share all that with you because it's irrelevant to me and i believe i can never be with raliya even if zainab isn't my wife that girl doesn't possessed characteristics i will want in a wife.
How many years Amina?
you and i have been trying to have kids,
This coming saturday is our 8years anniversary then why should i poison you,
for what reason?
"Ammar say staring at amina mujahid sitting next to her whispering words into her ear and that seems to calm her down.

"Who do you want to believe if you don't believe me amina, you are my sister and wife,
why would i hurt you?
I love you Amina , i love you alot and it scared me that one of this days you will get tired of all the problems i kept dragging you into and leave me,
Do you know who kept me going all this while?

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