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The daring look of disbelieve on there faces didn't bother ammar, matter of fact he barely notice them he's engross listening to the little girl that kept bombarding his ears with question to even notice them,
Zainab deliberately take 2 steps but stop, she would have easily turn and leave but karimah is with ammar, why did this keep happening? A sense of deja vu hit her and she sigh, she continue walking what's worst that's gonna happen?she thought.

"Ammar!"Amina call it's more like yell  at her husband gaining his attention, he's drenched from the rain but he doesn't care it's as if whenever he's with zainab all his problems disappear, she walk to where he's now standing with karimah in his hand.

She catapotted 3 slaps on his cheek as his grip on karimah tighten as tho that will quench the anger inside him,

"So you are still seeing her?"Amina ask glancing at zainab who's standing 4feets behind ammar.

"What does she have?
What's that thing she have that i don't?Amina say as the rain mix up with the tears  on her cheek one can barely figure out if she's really crying.

"What do you want?"Amina yell at zainab, she storm to where she's standing but ammar was quick to block her.

"Zainab doesn't have anything to do with this, keep her out of this,."he say defensively.
Zee.......he call glancing at zainab protectively.

"Zee!"Amina screrch
So it's not longer zainab,
My own husband calling another woman with a pet name,
How ironic can this life be,...

"Everyone called all the zainab's zee,
Don't make a fuss out of this."Ammar say and amina laugh pathetically.

"And everyone called all the Amina's meenah, mimi, mim,ammi and alot more but have you ever called me any?
Because you don't care,
What exactly do you see in this lady ammar?
Tell me."Amina yell with a sniff.

She storm toward zainab but ammar was quick to grab her, dragging her back with force.

"What's your problem?
Zainab didn't come after me,
I saw her stranded in the rain and offered to take her home, she refused amd i persuade her, stop creating a scene here Amina."Ammar say and amina chuckle, she tackle toward zainab.

2 slaps landed on zainab cheek and ammar hands work on reflex landing 2 slaps on Amina instantly regretting his actions.

"You slapped me?"Amina ask the rhetorical question and ammar sigh.

He drop karimah on the floor and the little girl run to her mum.

"I'm sorry okay,
Amina why are you always doing this,
I thought you 2 used to be good friends.......

"Used to you say,
This is the second time you are raising your hand on me and she's always the reason.
"Zainab."Amina call and zainab look up her cheek still hurt.

"Stau away from my husband."Amina warned staring at her.

"Tell him."zainab say ad gesture to ammar.

"To stay away from me and just to let you know,
Your husband is the one chasing me, i don't go around following other peoples husband I'm not that type of woman amina and you know that,
I zainab is giving you my word today,
That i will never be with your husband even if he's the last man on earth,
I won't say i didn't appreciate the favors you did to me in the past, i do I'm greatful for the way you treated,
But i will never forgive you for accusing me wrongly,
Feelings that i do have for your husband and had it been i know he was hour husband Amina you know me so well i wouldn't even dare,
If i had wanted to be with your husband no one, not you or your family would dare to stop me but i have self respect and i respect you alot to do that to you, love i don't even know how it feels i have never experienced it so whatever feelings i have towards your husband i don't even know what it is,
I'm sorry that i have to make you go through all this, I'm sorry that helping me happened to be your biggest mistake but i want to assure you that,
I zainab will never be with your husband let alone think about marrying him, i promised you that."zainab say and with that she grab her daughters hand and walk away.

Tale of Zainab(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now