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Staring quietly at his dad ammar just watch the man mouth moving but his mind it's just so far away that he barely pick a word he's saying.


He snapped out of his reverie and take a deep breathe, he massage his forehead with a sigh then look up at the 3 men by his left and 5 women sitting by his right, his eyes roam around the and then finally settle in the man sitting in his front.

"I'm not doing."Ammar say even though he has no idea what the conversation is all about but he's certain it has to do with zainab, so whatever it is they are asking him to  do he's  not doing.

"Doing what?
Your wife is pregnant ammar,
How many times do we have to tell you to stay away from that woman?
Amina is y........

"And why should i listen to you?
How old am i, 6?
I have tried, i try my best to be that son but I'm tired, why do i have to always respect your decisions but no one respect mine, have you all for once care about what i want?
Like hell will you all do,
I love zainab ok and if you all aren't ok with it then deal with it."

you can't speak to us like that we are your parent, we're just looking out for you and want whats good for.......

"What's good for me?
I doubt you all want what's good for me because had it been you do, you wouldn't mind who i want to be with,
Goodness what did you all want with me, lossing my legs isn't enough for you all?
Must you people frustrate me to the point i loss my life before y'all be satisfied?
I love zainab and if you people cannot support me on this then please don't frustrate me."

"Zainab, zainab, zainab always,
Have you for once think about amina?
Have you?
That lady was the reason your wife loss her first pregnancy,
Ammar what has come over you?
What has this woman did to you that you loss respect for everyone?
What is wrong with you?"His mum chirped into the conversation.

"Have you all for once think about me?
My own feelings?"he interject and his parents, uncles and aunties just look at him in bewilderment.

Everyone has always know ammar as the most obedient child, his the eldest but he'd always be the one that's easy going so seeing him snapped at them this moment it's a very big suprise.

"Ammar if you marry that lady then you'd regret it."his dad threate.

"I shall happily wait for the regret, but until then i love her and i want to marry her, i just need your blessings is it too much to ask for?"

"Our blessings!
You'd always have our blessings but not on this,
A second wife."

"What about a second wife?
is it haram?
The last time i checked I'm entittle to 4 women, so what's this drama all about?
Because zainab is from a low family background?"

"Did she even have a family?
Let alone a background,
Do as you wishe ammar, you've just proven to us today that we don't have any right in your life, so do your own thing as you wishe, but just know that, none of us is going to be a part of this your marriage, go find who will get you married not here."his uncle add and ammar just glance at the elderly man but didn't comment.

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