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T. O. Z


Zainab normally is  a morning person, she's used to not going back to bed after subhi prayer, so today is of no difference waking up to a new place isn't something that usually intrigue her but nonetheless this place is far better than where she left,
Scrambling around the kitchen to round up the breakfast for her husband the kitchen door was push open gaining her attention.

"You are back already?"she say with a smile and ammar humm in response.

"I want us to go see my mum."he voice and zainab glance at him as she place the mug on the island.

That's good what time?"zainab ask, wlh she want to protest not because she don't want to go but ammar should take things slow for now.

"Your breakfast ia set should i serve you now?"zainab ask and he sigh.

"I'm not really hungry but.......he trailed with a smie and zainab shake her head with a chuckle.

She dishe the fried plantain with spicy pepper sauce for him and drop to his front on the kitchen island.
Zainab sit to keep him company, it's Thursday she's fasting she have alot going on in her life and she'd need serious intervention from the almighty.

"Have Amina come down?"Ammar ask halfway eating his food.

"I.....the kitchen door open amd Amina walk in gaining both there attention.

"Good morning Ammar."she greet her voice raspy amd hoarse it's evidence she cried especially with how puffy her eyes is.

"Good morning my number wife,
Come have breakfast with me?"he offer and she shake her head.

"Good morning Amina."zainab greet looking at amina who open he cabinet.

"Morning."she grumble and drop the mug on the island.

By Allah she's not angry she's just moody, aunty hindatu called her yesterday night, she didn't pet her nor speak to her nicely rather it's the opposite, she scold and quarrel her, she'd told her hamdiya have told her what transpire earlier at her house and all what asma'u had said and she order her to tell Ammar she isn't going to umrah, she should apologize to zainab for whatever reason she doesn't know and be nice to ammar it's the first time she got scold by her in a long time and it hurt she cry all night, take it or leave it, bad or good she'd always respect aunty hindatu's order.

"Amina do you need anything?"zainab ask gaining her attention.

"No."she say flatly and grab the orange juice from the fridge.

The place become quiet the couple just staring at amina who's pouring some of the juice in the mug.

"We re going to mummy house later do you want to come?"Ammar ask and she shake her head sitting in the father end of the island .

"I'm not going to the umrah,
You 2 can just go.
Also I'm sorry to either of you if my actions hurt you both." she say and ammar give her a certain look as though Trying to read her mind but he couldn't place a finger to why she's behaving  grumpy this early morning.

"Amina if it's because of me you........

"I'm not doing anything because of you zainab, I'm doing it for me and my wellbeing, so what if Ammar want to go umrah with you?
He's your husband to and we've been to umrah numerously so why do i have to squash your own moment of happiness,
I don't have problem or whatsoever with you i just want to be okay, only me know what I'm dealing with psychologically."Amina say and come down from the stool, she excuse herself and exit the kitchen.

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