"We're going to have to take turns watching her when we do the fireworks," I said to Ben as I returned with Juni in my arms.

"I think she'll probably sleep through them or won't mind, since we're always noisy around her and we vacuum around her," Ben mused as he took his and my plate.

"Mhm," I agreed, carefully placing Juni in the playpen Ben had set up for her in the shade.I settled down on a blanket beside the playpen and accepted the plate from Ben, beginning to eat.

"Oh... spread them," Ben suddenly quipped, getting a glimpse from under my dress where he was standing. In response, I playfully flipped him off as I continued to munch on my burger and laughed.

Ben joined me, sitting behind me and pulling me into his lap. "Hey, you're going to make me leak through my dress," I half-jokingly protested as he gently caressed my breasts.

"I'll clean it up... with my tongue," he whispered in my ear, rubbing my belly softly.

"You seem so calm for someone who just got robbed," I giggled.

"Huh?" Ben blinked, looking at his plate, which was now mysteriously empty.

"The heck? Lady!!" he exclaimed, spotting Cy's dog, Lady, munching away on his burger.

I laughed heartily as Ben tried to reclaim his stolen burger. The kids, enjoying the jacuzzi, were thoroughly entertained by our wrestling match.

"You little rascal!" I said to Ben, who had me in a playful headlock.

"Let me go!" I demanded, pulling his leg. Somehow, I managed to flip him over, freeing myself.

"Holy smokes," Ben panted, lying back on the blanket, breathless.

"Make me another burger, you goof," I demanded, pouting playfully.

"Give me a kiss first, you goof," he teased, chuckling.

"You guys are like teenagers in love," my mom quipped, laughing heartily.

Ben and I got back on our feet and headed to the kitchen to get some extra patties for our burgers.

"That's right. Make my sandwich," I teased, watching him closely. He peered down at me with a wicked grin. "You really want to play that game, Affleck?"

He looked down at me, his eyes narrowing. "Mhm," I nodded, playfully stubborn.

"You asked for it," he warned, pulling my bikini bottoms and giving me a wedgie.

"Ben!!" I yelped, pushing him away while laughing and fixing my bikini bottoms.

"Ha ha ha!" Ben laughed in my face, his playful energy infectious.

I smacked him with a piece of lettuce, and we both began wrestling again, finding our way to the couch. He was about to body slam me on the couch but held me gently, keeping me safe."Babe!" I laughed, gripping his arms. We continued to wrestle, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"That's not fair," Ben said, laughing as he attempted to loosen my grip.

"Who's laughing now?" I teased, laughing and enjoying the playful struggle.

"You goof, you're leaking," he pointed out, causing me to giggle.

I had to fix my dress after that playful encounter. We heard the door open, and Ben quickly I had to fix my dress after that playful encounter. We heard the door open, and Ben quickly pulled away from me, pretending to search for my "lost" ring.

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