97. Truth In A Masquerade

48 7 7

Author : crimsonbrine

Reviewer : saerlie



Title : 8.5/10
The title has got a powerful grasp and it fits the storyline very well. The words aren't ornamental but just something that creates sparks of interest in readers. The use of "masquerade" is what made it more intriguing.

Cover : 6/10
Alright so the cover looks attractive but the thing is that it doesn't suit the theme. It gives more of 'mafia' vibes than that including law. The picture above isn't that appropriate for it. I suggest using a picture of the face claim which has a simple but confident and strict look. Also not much effects are needed in the cover like those in the back. Even though it looks good but doesn't actually fit the storyline.

It would be really nice if you use that second cover from all the three that you had posted. The effect actually suits this story greatly! I will mark a star in the comments near that cover so that it will be helpful.

Description : 8/10
The description is written in an interesting way. The quote on the top is what makes it so  fascinating. Perfect amount of information is given on the characters. It can be made better if you give a little insight on the 'case' where both of them will be seen together. Otherwise the words are easily understood and the theme seems clear.

Pace : 9/10
The pace is quite engaging! It feels like a movie where scenes happen and scenarios change without being too obvious. The author has done a great job maintaining it. I hope this remains like this the whole story.

Concept and plot : 9/10
Concept such as this is not much available. The 'rivals to lovers' troop is used in a huge amount but this theme and idea is very distinct and enjoyable as well! I have only read four chapters but I am sure that there is more to come in the plot. Overall a major success in this category!

Character Development : 7/10
I read very little so I can't say properly about the character development. But the conflict among the characters makes it interesting to see how they cope with life and face all challenges. They have different flaws and if in later chapters these are focused more and at last solved then it would be another great success!

Grammar : 10/10
The author has such admirable grammar and vocabulary! The words are well coordinated and the use of certain words make it more enticing and imaginable.

Writing Style : 8.5/10
The writing is precise and the management of paragraphs is good. The use of metaphors at places makes it engrossing for a genre like this! At some places the factors could be focused a little more. But overall it was to the point and clearly depicted the idea/thought.

Overall Impression : 8/10
This book has great potential of winning several awards and being chosen in many grand ones! The writing is so beautiful and metaphorical but so easily accessible! If the cover is replaced then it would do a lot more justice to both the book and the author. Because people judge a book from its cover in real life. Also a little edit about what I mentioned in the description would be nice too.

Rating Of The Book : 9/10
I would love to recommend this book to several people. Because it was so addicting in just a few chapters, this thing totally amazed me! The storyline is so unique and creative. And the characters are remarkable! The writing is so cleverly done but is easy to understand as well. Well what more can a reader ask than this! So yes, the author and this book have a bright future!

Total : 83/100


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