41. My Last Days Of Silence

59 8 5

Review by: patricia_s_fictions
Author of the book: kooksholland

Title :: 9.5/10
The title is really catchy and has a hidden meaning of the story.

Cover :: 9/10
The cover is simple yet appealing. To be honest, after seeing the cover, I chose to review your book. It's amazing.

Description :: 9/10
The first paragraph of the Blurb was written perfectly. You have written the correct justification on life.

The second paragraph was protagonist's part which was catchy and gives a hint about the book.

Pace :: 9/10
You have written the story slowly and steadily. It smoothly touches all the situations and emotions, maintaining the correct pace and describing circumstances between characters.

Characters Development :: 9.5/10
My favourite character is (protagonist) here. The way you portrayed her, described her feelings towards Jungkook and her love towards him was really fantastic.
Jungkook on the other hand played a vital role in the story. He was the backbone of the story. Describing him as a carefree person, and how he behaved in the end, anyone would cry reading your story.
Taehyung's role was short yet suitable according to the situations.

Concept and plot :: 9.5/10
From the Blurb, I assumed that this story is a common one like others. A girl who is suffering and wants to fulfil her last wishes with her friend and such. But the way you developed the story, added so hurtful sentences yet the correct ones which made me cry.
I was legit crying while reading the prologue. Where you have written something like "I am 34 days alive to be exact.'' And, "Bucket list is for those who have a future. I don't have any."
These two sentences broke my heart.
I was speechless in the end. The story is too good.

Grammar and Vocabulary :: 8/10
Grammar and Vocabulary also the punctuations are perfect. No mistakes seen in the whole book, except a one or two in the prologue part and 1st chapter.
There is a sentence (I was born 22 years ago...) that sounds odd. Instead of writing that, you may write [I am 22 years old and in this 22 years...) otherwise all are good.

One more thing, before writing anything just above the starting paragraph write the Point of View of the particular characters. It would help readers to understand. At first you are the protagonist narrating the story. I noticed you mentioned the narrator's pov. Do it every time you write any person's pov.

Writing style :: 7.5/10
Your writing style is not too bad, not too good. It's simple and normal. Your style of writing about the state of affairs or any sort of emotions is really good. Your word play is also nice.

Overall enjoyment :: 10/10
This is one of the best books I have reviewed so far. This book made me cry in the beginning and till the end I read it with a heavy heart. This book is common yet heart touching. This book is filled with emotions and creates a gloomy atmosphere. I really appreciate your writing. And whoever is reading this review, just go and check this book out. I am sure you won't regret reading it.

Author, thank you for creating this amazing piece of work. Keep writing, Keep entertaining. <33

Rating of the book :: 9 /10

Total :: 90/100


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