23. Ersatz Leman

54 8 6

Review by: ABRTMSY10
Author of the book: Katopark

Title :: 9/10
The title is unique and meaningful but try to opt for a simpler and catchier title so it attracts everyone's attention.

Cover :: 8/10
The cover is amazing. It is rightly made and used as it matches the overall plot of the story. The only thing that felt a little off-putting was the title's font size. Try to enlarge it to make it a bit more readable.

Description :: 10/10
The description is perfect. It generates curiosity among readers to know more about the story.

Pace :: 8/10
In the beginning, the pace was smooth but in the last chapters, it felt a little rushed. It felt like the kiss scene happened a bit too early. Maybe you can try adding one or two chapters to tone it down.

Concept and plot :: 20/20
I have not read anything like this before. It was refreshing. At first, I was confused about where the story is going but it all made sense in the end. The confusion cleared away as I read and the twist at the end was unexpected. Well done!

Characters :: 9/10
The characters were well described. Yoongi's character fulfilled his job and helped Jimin. The ending was very heartwarming.

Grammar :: 9/10
There were too many ellipses used in the Prologue. Even if you want to use ellipses don't use capital letters every time after you end an ellipse. A capital letter (after an ellipse) is used when you wish to start a new sentence and a small letter is used to denote a pause. Take care of this. Everything else is well edited; I couldn't find any other mistakes.

Writing style :: 9/10
The writing style was very poetic and well described I could imagine everything that happened. Points of view of both the main characters were given which gave us an insight into their mindset. I also liked the quotes at the end which connected to the chapter. The only minus point would be that it can a little difficult for some readers to understand because not everyone has a good vocabulary. Otherwise, I loved it!

Overall impression :: 8/10
I enjoyed reading this book. The mystery element was well maintained and the twist at the end was unforeseen. Potential trigger warnings were also given. Great job!

Total :: 90/100


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