93. My Misplaced Husband

34 7 0

Review by:   peacefulregrets

Author of the book: Antascia

Title:: 8/10
The title is to the point in regards to the story context but I feel that it could've been better.

Cover:: 8/10
The cover depicts one of the story protagonist but typography can be improved.

Description:: 7.5/10
The description was fair enough. With a little insight and a disclaimer. You can make it more eye-catching to attract more readers.

Pace:: 7/10
It was a little fast paced, just a bit. As far as I've noticed, the author is very new to writing and I believe that they will learn and become one of the best writers with consistency and time.

Concept and plot:: 7/10
I feel this concept and plot is very repeated. A simple one.

Character development:: 8/10
The characters were portrayed very nicely. Keep it up!

Grammar and Vocabulary:: 4/10
This is the thing that really left a sour taste for the book. The grammatical mistakes are just too much to be ignored. The writer Kris repeating nouns insted of using pronouns. I'd suggest them to proofread or get help from an editor.

Writing Style:: 5/10
The efforts to improve the writing style are clearly visible in the story but I feel like you really need to proofread or get help from an editor as I said above.

Overall Impression:: 7/10

I expected a little more from this book. Overall I did enjoy but I believe you can do better than this. Keep it up!!

Rating of the book:: 5/10

Total:: 66.5/100

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