88. Infinite Stars

36 4 2

Author of the book : maplecornia_092003

Review by MongMon13

Title :: 7/10

The title matches the theme so well. Though from afar the title may seem simple, we need to go in depth to understand it all.

Cover :: 9/10

Really pretty and matches the theme.

Description :: 10/10

Just perfect.

Pace :: 9.5/10

The pace was completely fine in every chapter, though the amount of writing might make few people who don't read much lose interest

Concept and plot :: 10/10

Not many people write stories on such matter. The idea was very well portrayed, and I liked it so much.

Characters :: 9/10

The characters are all well defined.

Grammar :: 10/10

It was all perfect, I found no mistakes.

Writing style :: 8/10

Your writing style is magnificently good, but the chapters might seem lengthy for a few people. Though I suggest that you should stick to this one only.

Overall impression :: 9.5/10

Couldn't have been any better. I bet anyone who comes across it won't be disappointed.

Rating of the book :: 10/10

I would definitely recommend this book to my friends.

Total :: 92/100


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