34 4 0

Author of the book : Bobaballguk
Review by patricia_s_fictions

Title :: 9/10

Pretty good selection of Title, matches with the plot.

Cover :: 5/10

The cover is not so appealing. Try to add a dreamy cover filled with stars and all which goes with the book.

Description :: 3/10

Your Description has nothing to attract readers. Try to add lines to make it attractive. It's completely empty. Just a line sometimes doesn't work.

Pace :: 8/10

According to your book it's perfect.

Character Development :: 9/10

Both the characters are good. Nothing much to say. And in the end Jimin slayed.

Grammar and Vocabulary :: 5.5 /10

There are few errors in sentence formation and usage of words. Try to increase your vocabulary.

Your mistakes were leaving a sentence in the middle. In the first chapter you ended a sentence with (she sensed a person looking at her and …) add and said then start the quotation.

In somewhere you wrote ( the owner of the voice) it sounded weird. Write (the person who called came in view.) Rephrase the sentence.

Writing style :: 9/10

As a short story it's good. Nothing much to say.

Overall impression :: 8/10

Your story had mixed emotions,  sometimes it was romantic, suddenly it turned funny and in the end tragic or miraculous. It was fun to read your story. Did a good Job.
Just rectify your errors and it's good to go.

Rating of the book :: 7.5 /10

Total ::64/100


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