96. Reincarnation

35 4 3

Author: @MoonLightGoddess1

Reviewer: -agustellar

Title: 5/10

While your title explains your story well it doesn't have the quality a proper title should. The reason why I've cut five points is because, not only is your title really common but it's also too simple. And I'm not saying simple titles are wrong, but rather having a simple title this straightforward comes out as boring. You might attract readers who want to read stories based on reincarnation, but other than a vast majority wouldn't be interested upon seeing it. I do hope you come up with an interesting title!

Cover: 3/10

Again, the cover is too … dull. You've taken a picture of Taehyung, which fits the theme of your story, and simply slapped some words on it. A cover should be able to force a reader to check your book out immediately. I'm not an expert in judging covers but I highly advise you to visit a graphic shop to enhance your cover.

Blurb: 3/10

A blurb is supposed to give an ominous description of your story and what the readers can expect. It shouldn't reveal the entire plot of the story. You've mentioned the characters, their struggle and ended it with a suspenseful question.

But truth be told? You've revealed your entire story this way. Not only is your blurb too short, it's also too straight to the point. You should try elaborating a little more while maintaining the suspense. Give a gist of the setting, the character, the arcs they'd face and end it appropriately.

You've simply given two sentences framed as questions that reveal the entire story. It didn't make me want to read further or think about what I could expect. It felt like you wrote two questions to explain your school essay and not a story.

Kindly check blurbs from many different stories in wattpad or published books (tho I recommend published books)

Pace: 1/10

Truth be told, there was no pace in your story. Your story felt more like a lazily written essay with a plot you thought of. Throughout the story you've only dumped information on what you wanted to write. It was extremely messy, except the flow you tried showing (which needs seviour changes as well)

You are writing a story of two characters falling in love and overcoming the struggles. But the way you paved your story, was just as short as me explaining why there was no pace. There wasn't a single chapter where you let a scene develop slowly, you seemed to rush it and move on to the next one.

What I suggest for you is to take a story book. Anything to your liking (no fanfictions or wattpad books) which is published and read them. You lack several aspects when it comes to building your story. You need to learn story execution.

I'm not going to rain on your parade by saying there was absolutely nothing in your story. But whatever there was, you forced it onto the readers too fast as bullet points. I highly recommend you stick to one scene for one chapter. Show what's happening in the scene, don't tell the readers.

In the first paragraph you didn't introduce Y/n you told who she was. It was more of an information dump which you should avoid by delivering her character through the chapters. What I mean by this is to show who she is as a person by throwing her into situations. Perhaps she lost her mother when she talks to Taehyung. Introduce her age by letting someone at the ball welcome her or her father talking about her.

You've got so many tropes you want to execute. There's so much potential with a reincarnation plot, but as I've mentioned before you rushed everything so fast. Had you not mentioned the chapter's title as past and present, I wouldn't have even known the time change.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖: 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏 𝐈- ​🇨​​🇱​​🇴​​🇸​​🇪​​🇩​Where stories live. Discover now