2. The Girl Who Was Afraid

167 10 3

Review by: viekeinz
Author of the book: LucyAnnWrites

Title :: 8/10
Sounds quite interesting, something that will attract readers to try this book. Using "was" rather than "is" is a clever thing you did there. It makes readers wonder if it's changed or not.

Cover :: 6/10
The cover is nice but doesn't really seem much creative to me. Any other picture that gives a mysterious vibe will be good. Also, the font style can be changed to something more different rather than the normal one. It's would be great if you keep uniformity in the style. Sans suits it but the issue is in uniformity.

Description :: 9/10
I really like the description a lot, it perfectly gives the idea of the book which makes readers curious. It's simple yet has hidden complex meanings. The wording is perfect and it gives the vibe of the book.

Pace :: 10/10
The pace is just perfect. It goes smoothly as if in a movie which makes it easy to understand what's going on in the story. Thanks for not putting time skips, it is better to avoid them and continue the flow.   

Concept and plot :: 20/20
Wow! I am really amazed at how you portrayed OCD! For the first time, I read something like this. I am sure that many people might be having this type of OCD but no one really writes it like that. The way you described the illness seemed like real horror. As for some people, it is like that.

Characters :: 7/10
I am happy to see some improvement in Cerise's character. Her fear didn't stop her from making good decisions and that's what is important! She went alone to the doctor which was so brave of her. Even though she had to face things that made her feel terrible, she still has to work on this and fight her fears. I think it will be shown in subsequent chapters.

Grammar :: 10/10
I didn't find any single error in the writing. The author's grammar is strong. 

Writing style :: 10/10
I am absolutely in love with the writing! The words are used very precisely to the point which makes it easier to understand the lines. The descriptions are perfectly detailed, and every little thing is mentioned, which helps the readers to visualize and understand better. This way they enjoy it a lot and get the meaning the author wants to express. The paragraphs are well aligned. 

Overall impression :: 10/10
Definitely a mind-blowing book! Starting from the plot to the writing, everything is so unique and gives the feeling! One can easily imagine it and enjoy it like a movie!

Total :: 90/100  


Make sure you thank your reviewer for their hard work and follow them to appreciate their work.

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