The doors opened and they walked through. Choi Han followed after a moment of considered hesitation.

Nobody thought it was odd that they were going out, maybe a bit surprised about how sullen Choi Han seemed. Ron was nowhere to be seen, however, and that put Adara a bit on edge especially since nobody else knew where he was. But she ignored it, Ron would disappear without a trace or a word normally, but it was not like he was going away with Choi Han.

"Young Master and Mistress, where are you two going?" Hans asked them.

"Don't worry about it," Cale ordered.

Hans nodded earnestly. "Yes, sir. Ma'am," he added with a nod to her. "But since this is your first day in the Capital, can you please return without breaking any alcohol bottles tonight?"

Adara gave him a deadpan expression, almost asking why he would think his advice would help the situation.

While Cale frowned. "Are you really going to keep getting out of line like this?"

Hans smiled at them. "Not at all, please be safe, Young Master and Mistress."

Adara sighed.

When they got on the carriage, Cale seemed very deep in thought about what to do with Hans stepping out of line. Adara wanted to laugh at him, but the aura Choi Han gave off wasn't exactly inviting a laugh.

The carriage stopped and they arrived at the Temple. Adara didn't want to look out of the window to see it.

"Let's get off," Cale offered when he saw her staring at the closed curtain.

"Yes," she agreed.

Choi Han had been quiet since they announced where they were going. His eyes were not cloudy, but he was staring at the floor with a complicated expression. Adara guessed he was thinking hard, though she could not hear his thoughts. Her hearing wasn't that good.

Cale had told her about his personality. He was a good person, but not gullible. He would believe people because he was wishing only to see them in good light but that had a limit. He was not naive or dumb. He was very smart. As seen today, he made the connections almost immediately.

If we give an excuse that won't make sense in the long run, he will doubt us in the future.

Choi Han lived in solitude for decades, he was lonely, but it taught him how to survive on his own and how to stubbornly live despite the chances. Choi Han might look at them favourably for now but around the time he is fighting the Whales he is someone who wishes to be the Leader. He is someone who wants to make his personal view of justice a reality. Adara would not look so favourable upon that fact was Choi Han's view of justice not the way justice should be.

She got out of the carriage and looked at the Temple. It is not late enough, it should be shining brighter, she thought.

"It is so white," Cale muttered.

The Temple was tall and decorated in a minimalist way. It had not a speck of dirt to be seen on its pristine surface. Staring up at it, the chill of Death embracing her fully, her hate dissipated and it turned to what it really was. Longing. "The Believers of the God of Death consider white to be the colour of Death," she said, hiding her sun pendant under her shirt. Even the chill is no longer cold. "They clean everything over and over again, every single day, to make sure there isn't a bit of dust to disrupt the look of their heavenly Temple. Some of the Apprentice Priests are tasked with cleaning it, though they usually have a special group of people who clean. It's never the Priests who clean, though." They want to show that they have nothing to fear about the night with their actions since their God will protect them. It is why they open the Temple to both believers and non-believers once the sun sets.

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