interview #3 A chat with @gorgeous_shantae

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1. When do you begin your writing routine? (morning, afternoon, day, evening)

The inspiration for "As The Stars Aligned" sprung from the depths of my creative mind. While some might attribute their ideas to artists, loved ones, or fellow authors, my imagination is a never-ending source of inspiration. When the concept for this book materialized, it captured my heart and I fell in love with it.

2. What do you need for your writing routine? (laptop, notebook, ect)

My writing sanctuary consists of my trusty laptop and a steaming cup of coffee. These are my loyal companions, accompanying me on every literary journey.

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

My primary focus when crafting a story is ensuring that I pour my heart and unwavering dedication into it. Each tale I create is a canvas where I express my deepest emotions.

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing?

The most significant lesson I've embraced is the importance of having fun and finding joy in the writing process. It's not just about the destination but relishing every step of the journey.

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful?

 Absolutely, establishing a writing schedule can make the process smoother. It prevents the chaos of trying to write amid other responsibilities and keeps your creativity flowing steadily.

6. What is a writing strength of yours?

 My writing strength lies in my boundless creativity. My imagination is a constant whirlwind of ideas, a treasure trove of inspiration.

7. What's is a writing weakness of yours?

Paradoxically, my creative mind, while a strength, can also be a weakness. I sometimes find myself overwriting, spurred by the ceaseless flow of new ideas, resulting in late-night writing marathons.

8. Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad? (other social media platforms, family, friends)

Currently, I haven't ventured beyond Wattpad, but I'm contemplating publishing my work on platforms like Amazon in the near future.

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story?

 Keep writing. The mind is a constant source of fresh ideas and ways to enhance your story. Writing allows these ideas to flourish, and it all comes together in the end.

10. Who is an author you admire and why? (on or outside Wattpad)

 I hold a deep admiration for @Its_Imani. Her storytelling is utterly captivating, making readers feel like they're living every moment with her characters.

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

 Author-reader interaction is of paramount importance. I cherish every comment and vote as they breathe life.

12 How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase?

To build a dedicated fanbase, writers should engage with readers, interact with fellow authors, and share their work on various social media platforms.

Title:  As The Stars Aligned

Status: complete


     In the glitzy world of high society, two worlds collide at a masked masquerade charity event. Novalie Jones, known as N.J to her inner circle, graces the ballroom shrouded in an air of mystery behind her mask. A multi-millionaire with breathtaking beauty, she's the desire of every gentleman's heart. Yet, beneath the elegance of the soirée, she seeks something beyond admiration.

         Enter Damien Beckett, a charismatic multi-millionaire who turns heads with his charm and physique. Amid a throng of admirers, Damien's gaze locks onto Novalie, and he's captivated by the enigmatic masked woman.

    As the night unfolds amidst laughter, mishaps, and a touch of chaos, Novalie and Damien find a connection that transcends the glittering façade of their lives. In a world of opulence and longing, they yearn for more than wealth and beauty.

      Join Novalie and Damien in a romantic tale where chance encounters lead to unexpected connections, where masks hide secrets, and where love and laughter blend beneath the starlit sky.

Why should someone consider reading it?

I won't sell you on reading it, but if the title and description resonate with you, I'd say give it a go. My aim isn't to market a story; it's about crafting a narrative and enjoying the process.

What inspired the overall idea of the story?

The overall idea was a product of my imaginative mind and the enthusiastic support of my incredible husband, who embraced the concept and encouraged me to bring it to life.

Is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

"As The Stars Aligned" is the opening act of an exciting series that I'm eagerly looking forward to developing.

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