interview #5 @AuricWarScribe

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1 If you could spend the day with your favorite author, who would you choose and what writing advice would you ask about?

I would choose Ta-Nehisi Coates and ask him where does he get his inspiration from?

2 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 I like how easy it is to interact with readers and get quick feedback! Its almost like a testing ground for your stories.

3 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I think I would go out with friends and have a wild night at some bars. Might as well celebrate with friends!

4 What is your favorite holiday and why?

 Halloween. I like the costumes and everybody always seems like they are having a great time. I like fall as a season too so that might also add to it.

5 What is a song you enjoy? who is the artist?

Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson. The song is just fantastic.

6 What is the best way to handle a bully?

Hit them back. You might lose but they do typically leave you alone when they see you fight back. Bullies are typically cowards.

7 What inspired you to start writing?

I must have been something when I was a kid. I used to draw and write my own comics when I was little and I think it just grew from there.

8 What is your favorite story?

Just in one book, Tale of Two Cities. Its just so good as a solo story. Charles Dickens is also a great author to read and take pointers on really good descriptions (I'm terrible at this).

9 if you could spend the day with your favorite celeb, who would you choose and what would you do?

Ryan Reynolds just seems like a guy that has a lot of fun. I would pick him and probably just have a normal day and listen to his commentary.

10 How would you enjoy a rainy day?

Staying in and watching a movie or playing video games.

11 What is a good piece of writing advice?

See if you can find Youtube videos or Skillshare videos, etc, from authors on story structure. I think learning from people that have written stories about how structure works is important. Its easy to get lost in what you're trying to do and their tips are pretty helpful.

Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now