interview #1 @SSears90 (A chat with @)

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1. When do you begin your writing routine? (Morning, afternoon, day, evening)

 It depends on if I am working or not. If I have work, I will start in the afternoon or evening once I'm home. On weekends and days off I try to start early in the morning.

2. What do you need for your writing routine? (Laptop, notebook, ect) 

Laptop! A large, iced coffee or energy drink (If I don't have something with caffeine, I will fall asleep in the middle of writing! Looking at screens does make me a bit tired.) I usually forget to put them on, but I also do try to wear my blue light glasses as much as possible. 

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

 How to connect everything. Making sure things I mention in the beginning are relative in the end. Also I always try to go into a story knowing how I plan to make it end. If I don't have an ending in mind that's when I tend to get stuck.

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing? 

Learning to take constructive criticism and listening to people's suggestions. At first if someone told me they didn't like something I would get offended but I have learned that people are just trying to help you improve.

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful? 

Yes. I believe it helps you stay consistent, and consistency is key to growing your audience. 

6. What is a writing strength of yours? 

Conveying emotions through my characters.

7. What's is a writing weakness of yours?

 I think I could be more descriptive in terms of scenery and surroundings.

8. Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad? (other social media platforms, family, friends) 

I do post them on Twitter but that's it. I do not share them with anyone I know personally. 

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story?

 Take your time. Don't feel rushed to post one chapter after another if you don't have the story line down yet. With that, if you are publishing a story stay consistent in uploading it! The most important thing is just have fun!

10. Who is an author you admire and why? (on or outside wattpad) 

Darcy Coates. I really enjoy her horror novels. They are all page turners!

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

 Absolutely! I feel bad that I can't always reply to all of my readers, but I try my best. Readers like knowing that their comments and messages are being seen, and it keeps them engaged when they know their feelings are being acknowledged. 

12 How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase? 

Stick to one genre. Be consistent. Engage with your readers. Also just be kind! The world is full of enough hate, no need to be mean to each other! 

Title: Surviving Number 8.

Status: Ongoing

Genre: Fanfiction/Drama/Thriller/Hurtfic

Summary: The BTS members are forced to take on an 8th member who turns out to be a very abusive and sadistic man.

Why should someone consider reading it? 

It is full of angst, thrill, and emotions. It will keep you guessing and wondering what will happen next!

What inspired the overall idea of the story?

 I read a lot of thriller and horror novels. I wanted to put two of my favorite things together (BTS & Horror/Thriller)

Is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

 It is a stand alone novel! 

Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now