interview #2 Series Promotion with @_Boreddd_, How I Met You

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1 What is the title of your series? 

How I Met You

2 What inspired the idea of your series?

 I have no idea, I rarely take inspo but I think a compilation of multiple books.

3 How many books are in your series?

 technically six cause three for the main couple and one for each side couple

4 Is it the only series on your profile?

 No, my other book MASTERMIND has a three part series as well and more to come in other books

5 What do you desire readers take away from your series?

 Just the fact that character development is possible and do not trust a single thing i write. What you read could be a lie and you wouldn't even know it

6 is your series complete or ongoing? 


7 What are your future plans for your series? 

The first book of the series is all about how they met, the second is how they relationship grew and the third is how they 're-connected

8 What would be a good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series? 

Take your time and write down or record your plans. I think looking back at them and thinking of new plans is good 

9 Do you prefer writing a series over a standalone novel? 

Both, I think both are fine but writing a series gives me so much more to work with and that is just so fun to me.

10 Who is your main character? Are there any similarities between you and your main character? 

April is the main character. She is like this girl who hides her emotions for the sake of her family and friends. I think her fashion sense and personality is the same as mine in some way. 

11 What does your character go through in the series? 

A lot of heartbreak. She has to face her fears and realize that if she keeps doing nothing then her nightmares will win. She finds someone to love and even has a family in the end. A lot about her is interesting. She is very unpredictable

 12 What does having readers for any of your stories mean to you? 

It just makes me happy to share my thoughts with others :) 

1 What type of stories do you like to read? 

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1 What type of stories do you like to read? 

Romance but I am open to literally everything. I love thrillers, mystery and horror as well.

2 What type of music do you like to listen to?

 A little bit of everything. Matters my mood. But mostly kpop and like indie i guess

3 What is one of your favorite stories that you've read on Wattpad?

 I have a whole thing in my reading list with my fav books on my profile

4 What do you believe is better for a story? {Quality or quantity) 

 Quality, I think sure you can write a whole lot of pages but without a good plot or grammar then it's not as good. Quality with even one chapter is 100% worth it.

5 Are you more likely to check out an ongoing or completed story? 

Completed but if something really catches my eye then ongoing

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