interview #6 @_Boreddd_ (profile interview)

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1 What type of stories do you have on your profile? 

Mostly romance

2 When did you join Wattpad?

 Mid 2020

3 What is something you've come to learn about writing, while you've been on Wattpad? 

Time, it takes time. Do not force yourself to write when you don't feel like it. It's not worth the mental stress.

4 What do you believe is important to have when creating a Wattpad profile? 

Just a profile picture that at least matches the background

5 Do you think you should rush to publish stories on your profile, when you first join Wattpad? No, you do not have to do that. Take your time and start when it's best for you. I did not immediately start posting when I came on Wattpad, I took my time.

6 What is your current story update routine?

 Sometimes I write consistently, or just once a week or every 2 to 3 days

 7 Is there anything you would've changed to your profile when you first joined Wattpad? 

I completely revamped my profile from when I first joined. I always try to cater it to my aesthetic that month.

8 Do you believe it is better to have a short or long bio section on your profile?

 Whichever works for you, really it matters to the person.

9 When you're on Wattpad, what is something you notice first on fellow Wattpad writer's profile? There profile picture then their bio

10 What do you believe is important to include in the bio section of your profile? 

I think a little about yourself or about what you write if your an author

11 What are some suggestions you would share to fellow writer's about creating/maintaining a Wattpad profile?
 Consistency yes is good but also make sure to take breaks once in a while

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