interview #3 @cassy_km, The Little Noble Adventure (Series promotion)

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1 What is the title of your series?

The Little Noble Adventure

2 What inspired the idea of your series?

some anime that I watch

3 How many books are in your series?

I was thinking 3 books

4 Is it the only series on your profile?


5 What do you desire readers take away from your series?

that they will like my story

6 is your series complete or ongoing?


7 What are your future plans for your series?

To finish it

8 What would be a good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series?

keep writing and make your readers an inspiration

9 Do you prefer writing a series over a standalone novel?

writing series because when I try to write a standalone novel I didn't finish it and end up having an author block

10 Who is your main character? Are there any similarities between you and your main character?

a young noble name aesira flair, we don't have any similarities but opposite yes

11 What does your character go through in the series?

She is becoming a princess

12 What does having readers for any of your stories mean to you?

yes because of them I'm having an motivation to write

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1 What type of stories do you like to read?

poly, romance, fantasy, mafia, and also detective story

2 What type of music do you like to listen to?

All Taylor Swift songs

3 What is one of your favorite stories that you've read on Wattpad?

ang mutya ng section e

4 What do you believe is better for a story? {Quality or Quantity}

quality because you really need to have it

5 Are you more likely to check out an ongoing or completed story?

I choose but because if you really like the story you can wait until it finish

Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now