interview #10 @K_Hylton

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1 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 My favorite thing about Wattpad is that there is always something for everyone it doesn't matter what you like to read or what you can afford because a lot of stories are free.

2 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote follow, or comment?

Whenever I get any notification relating to my story I always get excited it brings me joy to see someone has enjoyed what I have written and gives me motivation to write even more.

3 What inspired you to begin writing?

I have always enjoyed reading stories it provided me with an escape from the world and allowed me to have a safe space. I wanted to be able to do the same even if only one person read and enjoyed my story then that was enough for me to know I could help someone else the way some stories have helped me.

4 Has joining Wattpad, helped you become a better writer?

Joining Wattpad has defiantly helped me grow as a writer my plot and development has grown. I have written a few stories just haven't published them all yet. 

5 What is your favorite story?

3 stepbrothers by @animallover55  

6 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 I would choose Selena Gomez and we would spend the day trying new food recipes.

7 If you could hang out with your favorite author for a day and gain writing advice from, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I would pick as my author animallover55 on Wattpad as I love her story and I would ask her how does she think of these different character personality's without losing sight of the story.

8 What is your favorite snack?

My favorite snack is chocolate buttons.  

9 What is the best way to handle a bully?

I say to ignore them if they see they can't get to you they will leave you alone. If it does get to bad I always say report it and protect yourself.

10 What's a good piece of writing advice?

 Even if you think it isn't good just keep writing because you can always go back and edit or change if needs be! Just never give up and don't be too hard on yourself. 

11 What is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday has been to America because there were so many new things for me to do and see.

request time

Broken Promise

I think if you are interested in werewolf stories or mystical worlds then this is a great story to read. There are lots of twists and turns and it will definitely keep you on your toes. This story intense and explore different creatures from different worlds whilst keeping the romance between the main characters alive what more could possibly be needed.

 This story intense and explore different creatures from different worlds whilst keeping the romance between the main characters alive what more could possibly be needed

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Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now