interview 2 A chat with @AdrielleReina

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1. When do you begin your writing routine? (morning, afternoon, day, evening)

I usually begin my writing routine at night after I've made dinner and gotten off of work. On the weekends, I try to start early depending on what real life outside of Wattpad has in store for me! It can be hard sometimes as I'm a full time mother with a full time job, but I try to make time when I can. 

2. What do you need for your writing routine? (laptop, notebook, ect)

 I always need my laptop, my notes app where I keep track of everything, and a coffee! 

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

 My main focus when working on a story is making it a story that people will want to read, even if it's niche. Even though I largely focus more on fantasy, sci-fi, horror, or dystopian elements, I also want my books to serve as commentary on society as a whole. While I want people to enjoy my books, I also want people to be able to critically think when reading them as well. 

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing?

Something important I've come to learn when writing... Your first, second, and even third drafts will probably suck. Weaving a story together takes a lot of time, effort, and editing. In fact, you'll be editing more than you spent time writing the actual story. You also won't ever be able to please everyone with a story. People will like it or they won't. Take every praise and critique with a grain of salt. 

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful?

I think having a writing routine is very helpful. Sometimes you won't always be able to stick to it because, again, depending on your age, you may have other responsibilities. Whether that be school, work, children... etc. I think it's important to be easy on yourself too and remember you're human and can only do so much!

6. What is a writing strength of yours?

One of my strengths is descriptive writing. I've always gotten pretty good feedback on that. 

7. What's is a writing weakness of yours?

Dialogue tags. I use periods instead of commas allllllllllllllllllll the time. I need to go back and edit a lot because of this. *laugh cries*

8. Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad? (other social media platforms, family, friends)

 I do! I'm actually published in several different digital media outlets under my real name. I've worked with Comic Book Resources and Thought Catalog, for example. 

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story?

 Just jot down all of your ideas and get to writing! It might not be coherent or even great at first, but just keep building your story!

10. Who is an author you admire and why? (on or outside wattpad)

Some of my favorite authors are James Rollins, Cornelia Funke, Dan Brown, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, George R.R. Martin, Tolkien, Robin Hobb, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and so many others! 

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

 I think interacting with your readers is of critical importance. They're taking the time to read your work, so you should take the time to interact with them. 

12. How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase?

 I think growing a fan base should happen organically by just writing your work and getting involved with book clubs and other communities! 

story overview

Title: World on Fire

Status: Ongoing      Genre: Dystopian


Terror. Violence. Blood. Death.

War... takes everything. Even your humanity.

Emma Sandalwood is a 22-year-old young woman torn apart by a world conflicted from war in the Former United States of America. While the Second Civil War rages on at home, other countries have taken it as an opportunity to overtake the FUSA.

Only protected by former Allies and what's left of the United Nations, Emma joins the Motley Rebellion to try to restore order in the world. Tackling this huge responsibility while she grieves and tries to reunite with her soul mate proves to be stressful, but she's ready to do whatever it takes to avenge her loved ones and put an end to the chaos ravaging the world around her.

Why someone should consider reading it: This is very much a commentary on modern culture and how divisive we've allowed ourselves to become as politicians have evolved to celebrities and sometimes, even Godlike to people, instead of being seen for what they should be- public servants. I think there's such a dangerous notion in the way we perceive the world around us and that anyone who is different in race, ideology, etc are seen as "other." In my book, it's not just one side or the other, it's both. I think some people won't like it because it does force us to see that monsters exist and it's typically human society. This isn't a happy book, but it's a necessary one.

I was in the military a few years back and my fear of the political climate at the time while being in the military inspired my book.

So far, it's a standalone. I'm not sure if I'll revisit it in a series yet. I'm still in the process of writing it, so we will see! 

 I'm still in the process of writing it, so we will see! 

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