interview #9 Fall prompt contest winner @I_SUMMER_DREAM

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-Choice Fall 2022 pick- Finding Happiness @I_SUMMER_DREAM

1 What is the title of your story? and what inspired the title?

Finding Happiness ( The title itself is self describing)

2 What is your story about?

This is a story about a woman whose life is fill inhibitions, finding happiness

3 Is the fall prompt contest, the first contest you entered?

 Yes, this is my first contest.

4 What was your reaction to discovering you were one of the winners?

I'm so happy I made it

5 What is your favorite fall activity?

 I love writing in fall

6 do you have any future plans with the story you entered? (standalone novel/series)

 No future plans, But I want to empower women in choosing happiness 

7 What's a good piece of advice to give someone, who desires to enter a contest?

Denial before trail is the biggest mistake. Do participate in contests and learn more

8 What is your favorite fall memory? 

Spending time with my cousins

9 What is the most important piece of a story?

The cover |quality of the story| type of story

We are the choices we make, hence choose whatever that makes you happy. 

10 How does being a part of the Wattpad community help you as writer?

Reading a lot of novels had made me write and publish stories and engage with lot of other authors. it also helps me exposed with a wide range of narrative styles and all kinds of genres. 

11 What genre of story attracts you as a reader?

 In Wattpad, I attract mostly to Romance and Mystery

12 What's a good piece of writing advice, that you've learned?

Keep writing and you'll develop all along by yourself 

13 Do you believe contest and interview platforms help you as a writer?

Definitely they'll encourage you as a writer and expose you to wide range of audience 

14 Since joining Wattpad, do you believe you've become a better writer?

 Day by Day I'm becoming better at writing 

15 What is a must have item for you to enjoy the fall?

There is no particular item , but I'd like to enjoy with particular people. 

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