interview #3 @Washedewrag {profile interview}

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1. When did you join Wattpad?

I joined around  December 21st(but didn't really start till the 30th)

2. What types of stories do you have on your profile?

I  have adventure/Romance(More like fluff thought)

3. What is something you've come to learn about your writing, while you've been on Wattpad?

 well that writing can be very hard, or hard to do as with authors blocks, and other things it can be pretty taxing to do so I take a lot of time writing like 8 chapters then post them all then I take a break

4. What do you think is important to have when creating a Wattpad profile? 

well don't forget your profile, and also remember to an interesting name(the weirder the better)

5. Do you think you should rush to publish stories on your profile, when you first join Wattpad?
 well nope as till January in 2023I just started writing (only because I got my divi

6. Do you have any writing tips to share?
Well for one my trick to success is to be an active member of the platform. Talking to other creators is a start as it's better to be known by everyone and give an impression of who you are. Second is to collaborate with other Authors as to have your work spread around by other authors is good, and lastly well write interesting things as you have to be creative and free with your writing as people like things out of the ordinary 

7. What is your current story update routine?

my current upload is about 2-3 days per week 

 8. Is there anything you would've changed to your profile, when you first joined Wattpad?

 nope, nothing... Ok maybe the email of my account as i forgot the email to my account and if I forgot the password, I'm kind of screwed. 

 9. When you are Wattpad, what is something you notice first on fellow Wattpad writer's profile?

 the Name of their profile I'm only interested if they have an interesting profile as I have a pretty weird one too. 

10. Do you believe it is better to have a short bio section on your profile or a long bio section on your profile?

I don't have a preference but short is better for people with short attention spans, but long ones are for people who are willing to read and it gets across info well.

11. What do you believe is important to include in the bio section of your profile? 

well yeah as its the 3rd most important thing about having a Wattpad account as it tells people on who you are and how you feel.

12. What are some suggestions you would share to fellow writers about creating/maintaining a Wattpad profile?

 Well don't forget to update that's one(if forget sometimes though), another would be to make interesting stories for people to read. Lastly don't just give up on a story if your nervous that it won't do well, the best part of writing is to try things you normally wouldn't as I'm taking a little break on my other story but I'm writing a new one that people are liking a lot.

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