Interview 4 @nawalj-2005

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1 what's your favorite snack?

I love popcorn and potato chips to pass time.

2 what is your writing routine?

I  write often. Yet, if I'm busy with work or school, I'd probably write twice or thrice a week.

3 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is the New Year's Eve, because we all have a family gathering and I enjoy decorating and making the desserts with my family! I enjoy it a lot! What warms my heart is the fact that this holiday is celebrated by everyone, no matter what the religion, race, ethnicity, nationality or color is, it is enjoyed and celebrated worldwide.

4 if you could hang out with your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

That's a hard pick. I'm having trouble deciding between J.K Rowling and Stephen Kings at the moment. But, I love Harry Potter, and hanging out with Rowling would definitely result in me asking her of her work in writing Harry Potter. Stephen Kings is a great horror Author, and I'd love to ask him of his work and how he creates that sense of terror in his words of writing. I'd like to ask him how he makes that feeling of horror real.

5 what inspired you to write?

To be honest, nothing. I just started doing so, as soon as I penned down my mind, and the words themselves danced on the paper. I am indeed a mind filled with fantasy and imagination, and I believe this enables me to find it interesting to write! Ever since, I wrote my mind in words, the world grasps me and the lives I live, interests me infinitely.

6 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing about Wattpad is the opportunities for beautiful minds to express themselves and be recognized! People get to interact with others of the same interest and share their feelings through writing on this platform!

7 what's one Wattpad goal?

I have many goals on Wattpad like Watty Star, Watty Award, but the biggest goal is to be recognized as an author worldwide! 

8 what's your favorite story?

That's a hard pick. I have many and it's hard to choose from.

9 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I would DEFINITELY want to hear my family scream in delight as a celebration, and then have a nice meal while cherishing the smiles on their faces!

10 what's a good piece of advice for dealing with a bully?

I believe to deal with a Bully, is to stand up for yourself. I am aware that many would consider ignoring or letting it go, and that is a wise decision as well, yet you never know, that this bullying could turn into something unbearable. So in order to escape it, is to stop it. If you believe its dangerous and threatening to take an action, than being an anonymous being and reporting to a teacher, principal or police without being known is also a wise decision. In other words, speak and stand up for yourself, because that is the only way to END bullying in society.

11 what's a good piece of writing advice?

Don't take it as a burden. Do it for fun! Don't let yourself down if you think your writing isn't good because it isn't going to lead you to your goals! Think and BELIEVE that your writing is the best of the best! Also, if you're having trouble writing or finding the right words, my advice is to scribble everything, even if it's weird, down on a page. Once you go over it, you'll realize... it ain't half bad.( Your mind jumbles up your thoughts, making you think its a stupid story, but believe me, pen it down, and you'll find, that it's actually pretty good!)

Request time

I want to recommend my book 7 BULLETS! This book is filled with mystery, crimes and supernatural fiction

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I want to recommend my book 7 BULLETS! This book is filled with mystery, crimes and supernatural fiction. I believe this book will capture the hearts of many when read because it contains imagination. The words and phrases will release many emotions inside. Reading it myself, I noticed that each word, carries it's own feeling. I noticed how my vocabulary enhanced and how my imagination of being a character sky-rocketed. Along with that, people who love mystery, cracking codes and especially cliff-hangers, would indeed want to consider reading this book for sure! I' m sure many of you would love it and I would love to know how you guys feel while reading it in the comments! Do vote and comment to support!!!


Written by Nawal Jaffary. (@nawalj-2005)

All rights reserved.

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