interview #7 Feature with @AdrielleReina

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Punk Rock Awards Winner in Historical Fiction

Writing Portion

1 What is your main focus, when you're writing your story?

Storytelling and characterization. I want my story and characters to be compelling and layered.

2 What is a good piece of writing advice?

Write what you want to read. If you're looking for a book that you can't find, write it.

3 Do you believe Wattpad has helped you become a better writer?

Absolutely! I've been editing and revising a lot of my older work and it's gratifying to see how much I've progressed and improved (even if I have to read things that make me cringe now).

4 What would you suggest is a good way for a newcomer to begin their Wattpad journey?

(should they begin posting their stories once they join or get a feel for Wattpad at first)

Connecting with other authors is a great way to begin your journey. I've had my account for years, but only started posting my work relatively recently. It's important to engage with the community and uplift other writers.

5 Is there an author that inspired you? (on or off Wattpad)

George R. R. Martin is and will forever be my inspiration.

6 Describe your general writing routine:

It starts off with daydreaming and a lot of caffeinated beverages.

7 What type of genre do you enjoy reading?

I enjoy fantasy the most, but I also love historical and sci-fi too!

8 What type of genre do you enjoy writing?

Ahh, fantasy, historical, and sci-fi.

9 If you could rate your first every story from 1 to 5, what would you rate it and why would you give the story that rating?

My first actual story I ever wrote was called "Mike and Sophie," when I was eight. I'd give it a 1 for a compelling plot, but 5 for creativity since I was eight.

10 Do you have future stories planned?

I have a completed book called A Realm of Magic and Mayhem! I'm hoping to get a bootcamp mentor with that one. Realm follows a teenage girl who is whisked away to a new land alongside her best friend. It has elves, magic, mythology, and a secret government organization. It's the first book of a trilogy l'm working on. I may have already started on the first chapter of the second book...

I'm currently editing my atrocious Dramione fanfic to make it more palatable and not something I'm embarrassed by.

I'm also working on A Ballad of Inferno and Ruin. It's a dystopian tale that features war and eventually, a genetically modified virus that turns people into zombies. My main character, Emma, is a teenage mother that goes through a pretty intense tragedy.

My ONC is on hiatus for now, but it's also sci-fi and involves a virus too. Oh, and denisovans.

I also have other projects on standby too, but they won't be out for a while so I can finish these.

Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now