interview #1 @AndieAreal {Member of @ShutUpAndWriteClub. Monthly Society}

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1 What is your favorite story? (on or off Wattpad)

To kill a mockingbird. It's just a powerful story told beautifully. 

2 What's the best way to handle a bully?

I think it takes bravery to face a bully and call them on their behavior but I think that is the most honest way to live your truth while not taking nonsense from other narrow-minded thinking and behavior. 

3 what is your favorite holiday and why?

Got to be Christmas. Everything about it reminds me Christmas dinner with family, playing games and just seeing some movies. 

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Every time. When you write you tend to be in your own head and often you wonder if this will come across as you intended. When I see a comment is just a nice validation that someone found what I wrote 

5 What inspired you to write?

 I've always written since I can remember. I think writing comes very naturally but it took a long time until I started writing in a more formal way. I honestly think the pandemic is the reason for my now ongoing commitment to the craft!

6 What is a good piece of writing advice?

Just write. Don't overthink it. 

7 What is your writing routine like?

It depends but I try to write a little bit every day. If the inspiration doesn't strike then I use the time to edit ongoing stories. 

8 what is your favorite snack?

Honey roasted nuts. Cannot get enough of the sweet salt combo!

9 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I'm very old school in my music taste. Smells like teen Spirit by Nirvana. 

10 Who is your favorite author?

I don't have one favorite author. I like reading different authors in different genres. 

11 If you could hang out with your favorite celebrity for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 That is another complicated question! My choice is probably unorthodox. I really like Sebastian Vettel. I'm a big fan of Formula one so would let him drive me around very fast in any circuit! 

request time

My story Matevilya is my first attempt at a romance mystery that I'm really excited about. It's still an ongoing project and I'm planning it to be a two book story. So if you like a good murder mystery with a dash of forbidden romance this is the book for you! 

 So if you like a good murder mystery with a dash of forbidden romance this is the book for you! 

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{@ShutUpAndWriteClub Monthly Society}

1 You happen to be a part of the Monthly Society book club. (Which is hosted by @ShutUpAndWriteClub) Could you please explain how you become involved in the book club? How it works?

The monthly society club is a great space to get some feedback on your ongoing/completed projects. You just need to find our Wattpad book and request to join. We are also very active on Discord!

2 What is your favorite piece of being a part of the monthly society book club?

 The feedback I receive is so valuable and supportive. I love that we are just helping each other to see areas of improvement in our work and that is very valuable to anyone that is serious about writing.

3 Do you think being involved in the book club helps you become a better writer?

 Absolutely. Being part of a community is incredibly helpful to grow and nurture the craft of writing. 

4 Why should someone consider joining the monthly society book club?

If you are serious about writing even if it's just a guilty pleasure but you want to make it the best that you can possibly do then this is the place for you. 

5 If you could suggest anything for the account @ShutUpAndWrite to add/improve, what would you suggest?

At the moment I cannot think of anything. I think the club has many great initiatives and ideas. 

6 Do you believe more people should become involved in book clubs?

Yes 100%. Even if you are just a reader, getting access to new stories through book clubs can allow you to get into really great stories that otherwise would be lost in the many books in the platform. 

Meet The Authors edition #9 (March 2022 to the November 2023)Where stories live. Discover now