interview #8 @joymoment (profile interview)

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1 when did you join Wattpad?

I joined in April 2016.

 2 what type of stories do you have published on your profile? 

I post a range of genres on my profile: teen fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and action. In my mind, the main thing I write are stories about characters overcoming their past and learning to grow. 

 3 what is something you have come to learn about writing, since joining wattpad?

 I have learned that even if I want a character to end up with a certain love interest, the love interest that everyone roots for is the one she has a good friendship with. 

4 what do you believe is important to have when creating a wattpad profile?

 I think you need to have an understanding that not everyone will be the reader for you. But when you find those people who respond to your book then engage with them. Work at creating a community as best you can, even if when you start out the community is only one or two readers. 

5 do you believe you should rush to publish stories on your profile, when you first join wattpad?

 I don't think rushing is something anyone should do, it usually leads to work that is less than. If you take your time to write something that you are proud of then it's more likely that people will respond to that and enjoy it.

 6 do you have any writing tips to share? 

A million but these are my top three. First, just jump in and write, you'll learn so much just be getting into it and discovering what works and what doesn't. Second, read, read, read. When I say read I mean read the classics, read the books that are assigned for school. Doing this will fill your head with vocabulary that will expand your mind as well as stories and characters that will develop your way of writing. Third, your focus should always be on writing an interesting character over an interesting plot. If, as a reader, we don't like the main character it won't matter how interesting your plot is, we won't go on the ride.

7 what is your current story update routine?

 I post twice a week: Friday and Saturday at 9am EST 

 8 Is there anything you would've changed to your profile, when you first joined wattpad?

 No, because from the beginning I realized Wattpad was a place where I could really be my weird wacky self and I think that, along with my stories, is one of the reasons that people follow me. 

 9 do you believe it is better to have a short bio section or a long bio section on your profile?

 I don't think the length matters, I think what matters is sharing what you think really expresses yourself so that people can get a true sense of you. 

 10 when you're on wattpad, what is the something you notice on fellow wattpad writer's profiles? 

I usually notice their books covers. And if it's possible, I think every writer should work to make their book covers have a cohesive look. I do understand that that is something that isn't always easy to do. 

11 what do you believe is important to include in a bio section of a profile?

 I do, a bio is something that helps readers get to know you a little better. 

 12 what are some suggestions you would share to fellow writers about creating/maintaining a profile?Consistency is key to success on Wattpad (in my opinion). It means that people can trust that when they start reading your book they won't be left with an unfinished story. It shows that you are reliable. That means if you have a story started, you don't have to post it right away. Create a backlog of chapters so that if you have a week you can't write you never leave your readers without a chapter. Also create a time you post and stick to it.  

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