interview 10 @JulieMidnight

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1 . When did you join Wattpad? 

I joined Wattpad in 2016. A looong time ago now. I remember the Werewolf category was huge, and that the community forums and activity feed still existed. The site has changed a lot since then.

2. What type of stories do you have on your profile? 

All my stories involve werewolves, because I like to write them in different ways or put them in different settings. They're mythic and mysterious loners in one series, and made up of decadent yet rigid packs in another. I never grow tired of exploring the internal struggles of having two natures in one body.

3. What is something you've come to learn about your writing, while you've been on Wattpad?

The serial format of posting on Wattpad has helped a lot with my writing. Getting feedback on a chapter helps me learn what's working and what isn't, and what readers are enjoying or what leaves them confused. It's been a great way to figure out problems before they grow into something big enough to require a total rehaul of the story.

4. What do you think is important to have when creating a Wattpad profile?

 Lists for your stories, especially if you have more than one series going. 

5. Do you think you should rush to publish stories on your profile, when you first join Wattpad?

I've seen some writers do that for a bigger chance at success. I've also seen some writers explode with popularity with just one story. So, I'd say it's best to go with what works for you. If you're a fast writer and have a lot of ideas, then publishing stories at a fast pace will probably work well. On the other hand, I don't write that fast and didn't take that route as a new writer on Wattpad. My most popular series, Monstrous Hearts, never had sudden success. It's just that the number of reads grew with the number of books I wrote for it. If you have the patience, slow and steady can work as well.

6. Do you have any writing tips to share? 

Persistence is so important. Being a writer is a thankless grind in many, many ways, and it's easy to become miserable or disillusioned enough to give up entirely. I've seen a lot of people on Wattpad stop writing, and I don't blame them. It's rough. If you want to be a writer for a long time, then you have to figure out how to minimize whatever frustrates you, because otherwise it will wear you down to a nub.

7. What is your current story update routine?

 I'm updating two stories right now, one for each series. I don't have a posting schedule because there's no way I could keep it lol. I'd much rather drop a chapter or short story on readers as a surprise instead of disappointing them by promising an update and then failing to post it.

8. Is there anything you would've changed to your profile, when you first joined Wattpad?

 I would've added my social media links much sooner than I did.

 9. When you are Wattpad, what is something you notice first on fellow Wattpad writer's profile? 

Whether they have fancy fonts or decorations, because I love that stuff and I've never figured out how to add it to my own. 

 10. Do you believe it is better to have a short bio section on your profile or a long bio section on your profile? 

I think either is fine. Mine is tiny just because I'm a boring person.

11. What do you believe is important to include in the bio section of your profile?

 Definitely your social media links so that readers can follow you on other platforms. I've known writers who had their entire accounts deleted without warning on Wattpad, so... yeah, definitely important to give people info on what other platforms you're on.

12. What are some suggestions you would share to fellow writers about creating/maintaining a Wattpad profile?

 I'd say it's good to list your stories and whether they're complete or ongoing, especially once you have several up. It makes it easy on new readers who have just found you.

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