Series promotion with @ice_elizy, author of Chirping Lives

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1 What is the title of your series?

The title of my series is "Chirping Lives".

2 What inspired the idea of your series?

My experience with birds inspired the idea of my series because it is an ongoing experience that cannot be summarized in just one book.

3 How many books are in your series?

The number of books in my series are indefinite since I'm still living the series (it's a memoir series).

4 Is it the only series on your profile?

No, it's not the only series on my profile. I also have my newly started poetry collection that is also part of a series called "Scarred Freedom".

5 What do you desire readers take away from your series?

I desire readers to take away the fact that there are new chapters in life with whole new experiences. Those new beginnings can better your view on your life.

6 is your series complete or ongoing?

My series is ongoing.

7 What are your future plans for your series?

My future plans for series is to group sections of it together with five books in each group. I'm not sure how to do it on Wattpad, so it may only be for me to see.

8 What would be a good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series?

A good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series is to ask yourself if this cannot be written in a single book (maybe there are too many sections that are overwhelming for one book).

9 Do you prefer writing a series over a standalone novel?

I'm quite biased regarding if I prefer writing a series over a standalone novel because on my profile, I've only written two standalone novels and have three books in a series. Nevertheless, I enjoy writing series about my life so that I can see the different, chronological sections of my life along with the points of change. On the other hand, I write standalone novels for books that aren't about my life.

10 who is your main character? Are there any similarities between you and your main character?

My series has multiple main characters and because its memoir, one of them is me

11 What does your character go through in the series?

each character goes through a different path in the series, but regrading me, I go through just becoming an ex -ballerina to slowly evolving into a bird mom when I learn brutal reality that I had never thought

12 what does having readers for any of your stories mean to you?

For me, having readers for any of my stories means that they come back to read a newly published chapter/ poem for an ongoing story, meaning that they are interested in what happens next.

1 What type of stories do you like to read?

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1 What type of stories do you like to read?

I'm open to just about any type of story because I want to explore new genres. I currently like teen fiction, memoirs and poetry.

2 What type of music do you listen to?

The type of music I like to listen to is pop music.

3 What is one of your favorite stories that you've read on Wattpad?

It's difficult to choose just one favorite story that I've read on Wattpad, but if I had to, it would be "Don't Say You Love Me @Irm2323

4 What do you believe is better for a story? {Quality or Quantity}

I definitely believe quality is better for a story because it is what pulls me in.

5 Are you more likely to check out an ongoing or completed story?

I honestly don't have a preference in regards to the status of a story because I enjoy feeling of getting the notification that the author has updated the book I've been waiting to read what happens next. I also enjoy reading completed stories though as the entire story is already laid out for me

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