Tears streamed down the faces of Lupe and Jenn's sisters as they paid their respects. I looked down at our baby girl and gently caressed her cheek, overwhelmed by the bittersweet reality of her presence.

A tap on my shoulder broke my reverie. "Mr. Affleck? Mr. Affleck? Hello?" a voice said.

End of the dream.

I woke up with a gasp, surrounded by the reality of Jennifer beside me, cradling our baby girl in her arms. Jennifer appeared exhausted but safe.

"Jennifer... you're okay," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. I kissed her forehead and tenderly placed a kiss on our baby girl's head.

"Yes, honey, I'm okay. What's wrong?" Jenn asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I had a dream that you didn't make it during labor, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you," I confessed.

"Aww, Benjamin. I'm here, papi. I'm okay," Jennifer reassured me, gently wiping away my tears.

"I was just so scared... it felt like I was going to lose my best friend forever," I admitted, my voice trembling.

"Sweetheart, I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise," Jennifer said, her words bringing a measure of comfort.

Fast forward to an hour later...

It was time to choose a name for our precious baby girl.

"Max and Sam came up with Poppy Grace, Violet and Sera came up with Jennifer Leanne, and Cy came up with Jiustina and Juniper," Jenn revealed, a smile gracing her face."What about Brielle?" I suggested.

"I think our baby girl looks like a Juniper or maybe a Lucia," Jennifer mused.

I like Juniper... but how about Lucia Juniper Lopez Affleck?" I proposed.

"I like that, but can we switch it to Juniper Lucia?" Jennifer asked. I nodded in agreement.

"I love that name," I said, beaming.

"Baby, have you checked on the kids?" Jennifer asked.

"Not yet, but I can do that right now," I said, picking up my phone and FaceTiming Violet.

"Hey, Dad. Where are you? I texted and called several times, but you didn't answer. Mom left her phone here," Violet said.

"Hi, sweetheart, we had a little surprise," I replied, showing the camera to Jenn and the baby.

"O M G! Momma!! She's precious. Is she okay? Are you okay? What's her name?" Violet asked excitedly.

"I'm okay, but we had a little scare. The doctors had to perform a C-section because my heart rate and blood pressure were too low. The baby is healthy, though, even though she arrived a week early. Her name is Juniper Lucia Lopez Affleck," Jennifer revealed with a smile.

"She looks just like you when you were a baby!" Violet squealed with delight.

"She does," Jenn giggled.

"Mom, before I pick up Sera and Cy from their friends' house, can I stop by and bring you some food?" Violet asked.

"Yes, of course, baby. And while you're at home, can you bring me my bling cup with some sweet tea and munchkins, please?" Jennifer requested sweetly, her eyes sparkling.

"Okay, Mom. See you soon! Love you a bunches!" Violet said.

"I love you more, my baby," Jenn replied with a smile.

Juniper and I had a heartwarming moment, and I held her close, whispering, "Hi, sweetheart. I'm your daddy. I can't believe you're finally here. Mommy and I love you so much. You're as gorgeous as your momma." A small chuckle escaped me as Juni yawned and scrunched her nose.

"Babe, you two yawn the same way, with that cute little nose scrunch," I observed, looking at Jenn with affection.

"She's just too cute," Jennifer said, taking a picture of us and cherishing the moment. "Would you ever want one more?" she asked.

"I would say yes, but I think Juniper is all we need. She's perfect and adorable. A family of six sounds good to me, unless you want to use a surrogate..." I offered.

"You read my mind. My body can't handle another baby," Jennifer agreed.

An hour passed, and Jennifer, Juniper, and I fell asleep together in the hospital bed. Juniper slumbered peacefully in her mother's arms.

Violet, Sera, and Cy arrived with food, and Juniper was in Violet's arms, her siblings surrounding her with love. They stared in awe at their baby sister.

"Dad..." Cy whispered, tapping my shoulder.

I woke up, my eyes meeting theirs. "Hey, bud," I greeted, hugging Cy. Sera and Violet sat on the couch, enjoying their meal. Cy settled on my lap, and we ate together, a simple yet comforting family moment.

Jennifer, still drowsy, finally woke up and hungrily devoured her meal. The world faded away as we shared this intimate time, a sense of normalcy gradually returning.

Another hour passed, and Jennifer felt more awake and relaxed. She eagerly dug into her sandwich, her hunger evident.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Cy asked.

"I'm feeling good, just a little sore on my stomach and abdomen. But I'm comfortable. I just miss Max and Sam," Jennifer replied, her smile directed at our children.

"That's good. I brought you a cookie," Sera said, handing over a wrapped cookie.

"Ugh, Sera, you're a lifesaver," Jennifer said, hugging Sera and kissing her forehead.

"I knew you couldn't go without your cookie," Sera responded, hugging back.

"You're right," Jennifer smiled and savored the cookie.

We spent the remainder of the day at the hospital with Jennifer. As evening approached, Violet took her siblings home. My mom and Lupe would look after the kids, while I stayed with Jennifer overnight.

To be continued...

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