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Dear diary

Night shift tonight and I couldn't be happier that I asked for tonights shift.
The patients are all easy, (there's one patient that literally does not say please or thank you like omg
Mannerrrrrsssssss go a long wayyyyy) it's actually quite empty for a Thursday night and I like the people I'm working with, so funny. Had a nice talk about the kardashians with Tom (gay colleague.   he's the only one who watches it) a new season came out on Disney and I haven't watched it yet but seen snippets of it on TikTok, and then we were chatting away and a nurse is listening in like what you're both talking as if you know them personally 😂

I tried so hard to stay in bed today but I was awake at 5am, then 7am, then 8😭😭 I stayed in bed I didn't wanna get out. I had a dream of A.

Harisa facetimed me she wanted to talk, and I was on call for about an hour or so. And then my mum texts me that her friend is coming over with her twin kids and she wants me to help clean the house and my room is an absolute state right now , so my mum was like just close your door. So I put my AirPods in and spoke to iehab whilst I vacuumed and cleaned downstairs. So I was on call with iehab for an hour or so.

I left the house a little early cos I didn't wanna socialise with my mums friend ngl, as much as I love her children; the twins, but I was tired.

I'm glad I left early cos there was traffic on the way, I spoke to iehab for a bit when I parked up before I went into work.

And then had some chocolates when I got into work, there's always some chocolate here lol. I like that I feel comfortable here at work alhamdulilah. Don't have much of an appetite still but it's getting better.

One thing I didn't realise though is that I had a work training meeting thing today and I completely forgot about it until like an hour ago and I'm like oh noooo. I'll send an email cos I genuinely forgot I have a lot on my mind.

Harisa wanted to FaceTime me today on my break but my break won't be until 2ish. But I'm pretty much chilling until 2 now but I can't really FaceTime her now lol.

There's four of us today, two HCA and two nurses. I'm a little tired not gonna lie but I'm gonna watch some Netflix or the kardashians I actually haven't watched anything for ages.

I was meant to go out with iehab today to surprise our friend for her bday but iehab wanted to do work at home and I ended up being busy. So we are doing something Sunday instead as I'm working Saturday, my first day shift in ages lol. I hope I sleep well after my night shift cos I always wake up at like 12 so I get like 4 hours of sleep.


Harisa facetimed me at midnight ish and it was quiet then so I spoke to her for about 10-15 mins. I feel a little sad but I've been avoiding writing about it . I forgot me and iehab are meeting today (Friday) after her work so I'll probably pick her up. Need to return some stuff and I'm gonna do some work on my Mac.

I feel confident in my role now as well at this workplace alhamdulilah like yeah there's a few things I still don't know but it's better. Like a nurse just asked me a question and I knew the answer.

2:19am. Chilling until 6am now. My break is at like 2:30am. I should be able to sleep I hope. It's quite warm here cos the weathers been nice, it's not too bad but you can defo tell there's a change in temp.

I also saw a patient who has the same bday as me but just years earlier as he's like in his 60s I think lol.


Didn't realise I was that tired but I was sleeping as soon as my head hit the pillow I don't wanna get up I'm so tired.

I'm so delirious. I'm actually so tired. I dropped something as I was around the other staff and they found it funny at how sleepy I was 😭 went to theatres and grabbed myself a theatre gown cos I was a little cold .
They have music on and it's Rihanna and drake - I'll take care of you
And it's waking me up a little lol

547 daysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon