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Lol I wrote that when I was bored in work.

Work was so good today but SO LONG OMG. The morning dragged and then I was back and forth on my feet I was pretty much the only HCA working from 1pm to 3pm I was so busy. I wasn't even being supervised I was working as if I was qualified but I enjoyed it honestly. I didn't mind cos it made it go by faster. Working with patients is so fun. You come across so many different personalities and life stories I enjoy it so much I'm such a people's person I've been told this before.

I even enjoy who I work with. I'm not dumb, I know people are nice to your face and different behind your back but I can genuinely tell it's less toxic than heath and I feel WAY MORE comfortable working here than heath, I get on so well with everyone alhamdulilah! I'm so happy wallah. InshAllah Ilham gets the job I was just on call with her for 55 mins we spoke about our day she told me about her work and I told her about mine. She makes me happy alhamdulilah

And theeeeeeeen Ayrton surprised me!!! Was such a shock wasn't expecting it. I seen a bike and I was like oh cool a motorbike lol, didn't even clock that It could be his bike I was so oblivious 😂😂 honestly that was so sweet . He wanted to take me shoe shopping which was even more sweet. And then paid for my food and parents food. Felt bad though it was kinda expensive 😔😓 I'll treat him one day. When I can.

Bro parallel parking. Just no. Stresses me out so much I can't do it unless someone guiding me 😭 I can't do it honestly .

And then he drove all the way to mine to make sure I got home safe SORRY BUT THATS SO SWEET!!! Alhamdulilah and mashAllah.

I wanna speak way more about him and the patients today and work in general cos a lot happened but my eyes are so blood shot. I'm so so so so tired you have no idea. I literally thought my reflection in the glass door at the restaurant today was someone else like that's how tired I am😭😂 I thought his fries were mine when I didn't even order fries like ????

Anyways im going to sleep im absolutely beyond shattered. Have to get up a little early tomorrow for my dentist appt. Idk how A wakes up at 5 every morning for work fair play.

Im aiming to go gym tomorrow inshAllah. Im not sure what I did or if I pulled a muscle but my legs are really sore still from gym it was hard walking at times today.

Alhamdulilah for everything honestly

And omg THE PANINIIIIII WAS SO TASTYYYYYY. I was craving it the other day. I ate it all. I had a bit of his rice when I got home but I actually wasn't too fond of the taste. I opened the other rice box and had some chicken. I'll give his rice to the birds so it's not a complete waste.

Genuinely think the icing on the cake was him coming to work. Really didn't expect that. Was very happy.

My friend Meg said next time I'm at sub zeros to come see her cos she lives around the corner. I still remember her address from years ago lol. Some things are just engrained in my memory lol. I might see Ilham after work on thursday cos Thursdays are her day off. But she's coming to mine on Saturday anyway. I'll see how I feel on Thursday cos Honey has invited me to go masjid as well but if I'm anything like today, then I'll probably meet my other friends cos I don't have the energy to go mosque after working .

Came home and vlogged lol I find my
Story entertaining 😂 my friends enjoy it too lol so ya know whatttt it's all good in the hooood

Good night diary
My eyes are so blood shot I'm so tired. Genuinely think I'll be knocked out as soon as I get in bed


I decided to have a full shower before bed so I slept way later , was just gonna wash my body but ended up washing my hair too. Bless my mum had put on my clean sheets on my bed and things so my bed is all clean and smells fresh. I wore his hoodie to bed and matched it with my Calvin klein pj bottoms cos they're red as well, but I took his hoodie off cos my hair is really wet and didn't want his hoodie smelling like damp. So I've put a towel on my pillow and I'm snuggling his hoodie like a teddy bear instead and buried my face in it lol.

Think I'll pop down to boots after the dentist need to get something

I just ate sahari at 4:15am. I actually turned my alarm off and didn't wanna eat but I was a little thirsty so I just had fruit and water and had a little nibble on other things, and was craving something sweet but didn't now what to have, so I straight up had peanut butter from the jar. Not a lot lol only a small amount but it satisfied the craving lol.


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