super tired , neurology, pharm

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Neurology week in uni this week.
I'm meeting friends after uni, Ilham and Isra are coming down my ends to sort out some govt stuff. They asked me what time I finish uni so I can meet them,
Realistically I should leave at 8 to be at H house at 8:20, then it's like a 20 min drive back towards my house where the motorway is , to be at uni for 9:30, but I'll probably leave a little earlier.

H just texted me saying she most likely won't be coming in today. I'm taking my gym stuff with me though to go gym after uni, then meet my friends and hopefully go perilicious.


H kinda annoyed me this morning, just tell me straight up if you're going or not bc she was sending mixed signals and then it was gone 8 o clock and I was suddenly under the impression I had to pick her up and stuff and just urgh.

I replied with ok, cos I was genuinely annoyed at that point

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I replied with ok, cos I was genuinely annoyed at that point. Driving today I made a road buddy lol, we were stuck in traffic and it was non moving, and the van next to me was trying to get my attention and they were like can we come into your lane and I was like yh, so I nodded my head, was barely any space for them, and then they indicated left again to take the exit so I'm guessing they forgot they had to take that exit but I did my good deed for the day lol.

I managed to park second attempt lol so I'm reducing the number of attempts lmao:)

Anyways, 9:10am

Pharmacology :

Stenosis means narrowing
Q6 supplements have no relevance
Q11 blood glucose is right answer

Normal persons INR is 1 consultants can ask this on hospital placement to trick students out

Can give tPA to someone taking aspirin q13
Q16 answer altepase
Don't give aspirin with those with asthma
Q20 right answer is A

Upload pics of quiz don't forget

Diagnostic reasoning:

-Intracranial aneurysm
-blood thinner will make it worse
put coils in aneurysm
each coil cost 10k
-No coils = no mri images
That's because during your MRI a radiofrequency is transmitted into your body. The coil acts as an antenna to receive the radio frequency signal coming out of your body and transmit that data to a computer which then generates images.
-circle of willis
-what happens if you give 900mg of aspirin to someone with an aneurysm = rupture
although aspirin is the treatment for migraines but not give it for aneurysm
-Lacunar infarctions are caused by the occlusion of small deep penetrating branches of the cerebral vessels from the circle of Willis, including branches from the middle cerebral artery, anterior cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or basilar artery.
-third case, found it hard to open her eyelid - bilateral facial weakness
some confusion
-ecg-left axis deviation
-foreign accent syndrome (FAS), had a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) which triggered FAS
diagnosis is lacunar infarct
FAS is a subset of TIA
-6 months of anticoagulant treatment

PBL cases
Vp shunt - research this , neurology. Excess CSF drains into there
If pt comes in with a vp shunt and says they have a headache, need to do a scan / x ray to see if shunt has broken down in body or damaged somewhere in body

Sexual health
Condoms were made for syphilis, the first condoms were made out of intestine.

Just came home, was stuck in traffic for an hour and half it was so bad. It was literally not moving, was a crash I think. Change of plans, going cdiff instead to see the girls around 5ish.

It was so so so bad driving on the bridge on the way back just now. It was HAMMERING down with rain, and there were two lorries next to me (I was in the middle lane) and their splash back was literally flooding my window, so I was gonna indicate to go to the right lane but there was a car there as well and everyone was driving quite slow, I mean not slow, but for the motorway it was slow, probs like 60. And so I decided to speed to get past the lorries, cos I could not see ANYTHING ive driven in really bad rainy conditions before but this was next level, and once the lorries were behind me, I indicated to go into the left lane to be in front of them instead. But as I was going past them, the rain and splash back was SO much that the water was literally pouring down my windows like I was underneath a waterfall, was awful. Wallah I couldn't see anything .

Need to write up my uni notes from today I actually learned a lot today and I did work in our break and printed like 30 sheets of paper out that I need for revision, they're checklists and stuff. Next week is our last week of teaching I think. Then we are on placement and exams start.

Our lecturer was talking about how we will be learning about surgical stuff next year and I cannnooott waittt!!! InshAllah if I pass my exams this year lol.

I also didn't do any PBL work for todays PBL felt good to relax lol.

Uni was good too I was speaking to this one girl I lent my book to and she's so lovely, I spent almost all of today with her.

Also getting snap memories from three years ago today when uni sent an email confirming quarantine and lockdown and I'm ngl, I low-key miss lockdown. A lot of people do. It was peak. I was so bored I even started painting as a hobby and trying to learn the guitar and going for walks every day😂😭 my lockdown birthday was different all my friends sent me stuff through the post and dropped things off to my house and obviously I did the same to them, it was just such a different way of life that we are normally accustomed to.


Had a shower and waiting for my hair to dry before I go out in this cold weather again, sat next to the radiator lol we might go cinema as well and the film we wanna watch finishes like 9:30pm I think depending if we watch it, I let my mum know in advance that I'll be home around 10ish by the time I'm home so she isn't worried and she was calm with it. Will be nice to chill, today was a stressful day kinda. Walk around the bay and try that coffee shop too if it's open as well.

Finally found the original lol, but I still like the remake which is called in my bed by rotmi

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Finally found the original lol, but I still like the remake which is called in my bed by rotmi

Finally found the original lol, but I still like the remake which is called in my bed by rotmi

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This one 🙃

I uploaded Tuesdays diary

Bye diary 17:14pm

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