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So I just got in

10k steps today
We really drove an hour to eat wing stop lol
Been all over our TikTok
And I didn't need to pay the clean air charges in bstol which was good

Absolutely shattered
Left my house around 11, picked Iehab up. Went to uni, did some work there. And then j started to get really hungry cos I hadn't ate much and they had locked pretty much all the doors luckily I had my key card for uni so we went to the quiet study room which isn't part of the library and they have sofas there and I did work. And Iehab did her portfolio. I took my Polaroid and we took pics. I always used to do this with friends, I'm so happy I have a Polaroid again i use it so much I have a Polaroid album as well. I'm so happyyyy I have one again and it's bigger and so cool so we took pics of us two in the study area (no one else was there)

So we made our way to wing stop which was soooo tasty I can't believe I ate all of it . I was starving. Ate junk lately I need to get back on top of healthy eating I actually genuinely eat healthy but I let myself indulge lol. We had so much fun together she makes me laugh so much. I have so much love for her. She filled up petrol in my car, I think we did too much but it is what it is. We went around bstol Cabot and vibed honestly. Went outside of Cabot and had chatime bubble tea and I changed things up and went for a refresher drink and it was so tasty. But way too pricey. Iehab paid for our wing stop food and parking ticket bless her. I obviously tried but she got there before me she said I drive and things like that she's thoughtful.

And then we went primark and you know when you've had good food and you're basically in a food coma, we were acting drunk on food and then we were going down the escalators and I accidentally went on the escalator going up when I should have been going down so i almost tripped and it was so funny we were pissing ourselves, had tears in my eyes I was like we don't need alcohol we already act drunk lol
We are actually fun to be around 😂

She was asking me about placement and how I'm dreading tomorrow especially since it's such an early start tomorrow. And I ALMOST told her about what happened. My arm was still aching today. But I decided against it because we were so so happy today alhamdulilah it was so fun.

Then drove us back to hers and I drove ti hers without a satnav for the first time, I mean it was on but we weren't paying attention to it we were singing to throwback songs it was such a vibe and I'm happy I finally drove to hers without maps lol.

We parked outside hers and chatted in the car for a while and then I made my way home.

I'm gonna do some revision before bed. Alhamdulilah for good food, was so tasty.

I printed off like 50 sheets at uni as well cos I needed stuff and it's free at uni. I should hope so considering I'm paying like £9k a year 🫣Really can't wait for placement to be over and done with.
Yeah the guy is and always will be on the back of my mind. You can't get over something like that. You just can't. It's hard to explain to someone who has luckily never been through it. You kinda just learn to deal with it and live with it.

I think this is why feeling safe is such a comforting feeling to me and I think telling someone you feel safe around them should be the biggest compliment considering how guys feel like they can touch whatever and whoever they want. I don't think I've ever told A I feel safe around him. Idk if he knows lol. Not sure it would matter to him, but it's a big deal to me .

I'm so so so tired
Need to get some revision done before sleep and then get ready for bed
Good night diary

I also feel so bad for my mum. I think I need to spend more time with her. Sometimes when I come home and my dad isn't home, I feel bad cos I know she's been alone for the evening. I don't think she minds cos she talks to her family and stuff but I need to make time for her

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