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Ate too much sugary food last night and I felt so sick this morning , serves me right for craving sugary stuff lol

Super tired today. Can't believe how long this day is gonna be

I've figured out I need to work about 70 shifts to save up for a mortgage for a house. The house I've seen is about 200k
Obviously by the time I save, it'll be long gone 😂 but I'm defo starting to save now. £500 each month or so. Depending on how much I work. I won't be able to work much during may and June .

Think tomorrow is the last day of Ramadan. Crazy.
Work is so slow today, been with a few patients, a patient from last night was asking about me. One of the nurses told me that he was asking for me and wondering about me bless him .

I also drove which was nice and chilled
And the Asda bag was still there in the fridge which I will eat on my way home lol.

Just had a racist patient and it actually bothered me a lot and I showed it. As soon as I walked in she's all like where you from, omg were you born here? You don't sound English. Well I must sound English cos you can understand what I'm saying????? Like I literally helped you get up out of the bed on the night shift ???
It actually bothered me a lot, I remained friendly and made jokes with her and things but I couldn't wait to get out of her room. Why does it matter where I'm from. Like yeah fair enough if it was in conversation but I literally stepped foot in her room and that's the first question.

Besides that, I got asked my age cos I look 16😂

My Work day only got better from that; from the last time I wrote. It was really really good. Mornings always go by slow for me and so long and drags but after that it was soooo gooood, had such a good time with the patients and staff. Genuinely really enjoyed today alhamdulilah. I hope every work day is like today inshAllah. I'll go into more detail about the patients and things.
Eid is tomorrow for some and Saturday for some.

I thought I started my period in work but I hadn't. Now I'm sat in my car debating going farm foods to get almond fingers.

I actually felt quite sick this morning, I had ate a lot of sugary food last night cos I was craving and normally when I eat sugary food I feel quite dizzy and nauseous the next for a few hours, was honestly tempted to not fast today but I feel better now. Still want my cookie dough😭 and peanut butter ice cream. Wish there was a sub zeros in Cardiff lol. Weather is so nice todaaaaay!
Yep I've decided to go farm foods or b&ms lol


There's so much that happened in work today to write about. Literally felt like 5 days all in one day like that's how much went down. I worked with my fave lady ever, Sue. The same lady that was with me when Nick came and started talking about me buying him ice cream.

I hadn't seen her in a while so I loved speaking to her today and she said I was lovely and things 😭 a woman called me "my halloumi" and she said I can call her mum so I said you're my white mum lol . I got on so well with patients and their families today, did quite a bit today as well.

Even the porters coming up to speak to me. I speak to the cleaners and kitchen staff as well. I love them all.

Wallah I love my job I hope I always feel like this alhamdulilah. Like, for real. I haven't told anyone but I've contemplated just staying here at spire. Contemplated being the key word.

I also saw Martine today and spoke to her but it was just friendly chit chat.

There was a patient who's blood pressure kept dropping and he was feeling dizzy and I was working with the nurse together to see how to make him better so that was cool.

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